[关键词:智能体,模型,GIS] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0097,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

Najlis和North(2004) 发现越来越多的人对GIS和基于智能体的集成建模系统感兴趣(布朗等人,2005;帕克,2004;托伦斯和本纳森,2005;等等)。最近的应用案例包括行人动态模型,城市增长模型和土地利用模型。对于基于智能体的建模者而言,这种集成使智能体具有实际的地理位置。对于GIS用户而言,这种集成可以使GIS通过要素的个体交互作用模拟在时间和空间上的现象的出现(Najlis and North,2004)。
Cities are faced with many problems such as urban sprawl, congestion, and segregation. They are also constantly changing. Computer modelling is becoming an increasingly important tool when examining how cities operate. Agent based models (ABM) allow for the testing of different hypotheses and theories for urban change, thus leading to a greater understanding of how cities work. This paper presents how ABMs can be developed by their integration with Geographical Information System (GIS). To highlight this, a generic ABM is presented. This is then applied to two model applications: a segregation model and a location model. Both models highlight how different theories can be incorporated into the generic model and demonstrate the importance of space in the modelling process.
Keywords: Agent Based Models, Repast, GIS, Segregation, Bid Rent.
Cities are complex systems, with many dynamically changing parameters and large numbers of discrete actors. The heterogeneous nature of cities, make it difficult to generalize localized problems from that of city-wide problems. To understand cities’ problems such as sprawl, congestion and segregation, we need to adapt a bottom-up approach to urban systems, to research the reasoning on which individual decisions are made. ABMs allow us to simulate the individual actions of diverse agents, measuring the resulting system behaviour and outcomes over time; therefore providing a good test bed for developing models of cities. As cities are highly dynamic, both in space and time and secondly, as cities operate on a cross scale basis, propagating through urban systems from interactions between individuals in space to regional scale geographies. For example, it is easier to conceptualize, and model how.......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——基于智能体模型和GIS来探索城市文献翻译!