[关键词:硬件加速,线性八叉树,地质体] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0096,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

地理信息系统文献翻译——摘要 在三维地质建模中的应用,我们经常需要生成地质体的体积表示,从他们的表面交涉。线性八叉树,作为一种高效,易于操作的体积模型,被广泛用于在三维地质建模。本文提出了一种快速和动态的从硬件加速下的地质体表面模型的线性八叉树的生成算法。 Z缓冲用来确定一个快速的方式在卦限和像素的属性,并采取分而治之的策略。堆栈结构,利用记录的细分,允许动态生成的线性八叉树。该算法避免了大规模的排序过程,绕过压缩线性八叉树代。实验结果表明,在大规模的地质体的线性八叉树的高效率。
关键词 八叉树,三维地质建模,地质体,硬件加速
abstract In the application of 3D Geoscience Modeling, we often need to generate the volumetric representations of geological bodies from their surface representations. Linear octree ,as an efficient and easily operated volumetric model, is widely used in 3DGeoscience Modeling. This paper proposes an algorithm for fast and dynamic generation of linear octrees of geological bodies from their surface models under hardware acceleration. The Z-buffers are used to determine the attributes of octants and voxels in a fast way, and a divide-and-conquer strategy is adopted. A stack structure is exploited to record the subdivision, which al-lows generating linear octrees dynamically. The algorithm avoids large-scale sorting process and bypasses the compression in linear octrees generation. Experimental results indicate its high efficiency in generating linear octrees for large-scale geologic bodies.
Keyword 3D Geoscience Modeling, octree, geological body, hardware acceleration
In 3D Geoscience Modeling (3D GM),two ways are generally used to represent the geological bodies: surface representation and volumetric representation. Surface representation is easy to model and render. However, it is difficult to perform spatial analysis and rules out the possibility of representing the interior properties of geological bodies. In contrast, the volumetric representation can represent the interior properties of the 3D geological bodies whereas it is insensitive to the complexity of models. Based on this representation, some essential spatial analysis in 3D GM such as boolean and block operation can be performed efficiently. Because of their pros and cons, both representations find their values in interactive applications of the so-called “Digital Mines”, where massive multi-source datasets exist, and the conversions need to be done on-the- fly for more accurate and efficient representations.
To increase the speed of the conversion from surface models to volumetric models, graphic hardware acceleration is usually exploited to accelerate voxelization. However, the voxelization for generating the high-resolution volumetric representations for large geological models.......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——基于硬件加速的线性八叉树的地质体的快速动态生成文献翻译!