[关键词:多分辨率,几何纹理,可视化模型] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0098,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |
地理信息系统文献翻译——摘要:本文提出了一种集成几何和纹理数据的多分辨率地形表示方法。地形用一个规则网格模拟,而网格可以由局部的不规则三角网细化以表现形态复杂的地形区域。多分辨率模型的地形纹理数据和几何数据是密切相关的:渲染算法基于屏幕空间误差准则选择几何和纹理补丁。多重纹理层次可代表不同的专题信息层,并可以绑定到一个地形模型。多重纹理使可视化质量大幅改善:地形纹理可以用来提供精确的像素阴影,α纹理可以用来限制或突出主题纹理。多重纹理促进了可视化交互工具的发展,例如魔幻透镜(magic lenses)、纹理动画等。多重纹理允许这些概念的有效实施。
1 引言
2 相关工作(研究)
基于不规则三角网的分层三角剖分已经用于生成可使用细节层次(LOD)算法的多分辨率模型(De Floriani 等[6], Gross 等[9], Voigtmann 等[17],Xia等[18])。规则网格被用于多分辨率建模 (Falby等[8]) 和实时、连续的LOD渲染 (Duchaineau 等[7], Lindstrom 等[14],Pajarola [16])。Chen 等[3]讨论了一种通过将LOD技术与基于图像建模和渲染技术相结合以利用屏幕空间帧-帧连贯性的方法。在许多应用中,有关地貌地形特征或专题地形数据的可视化质量与渲染性能一样重要。最近的发展(例如, Hoppe [11], 和 Xia 等[18]) 通过顾及表面法线把可视化质量考虑在内,但是没有提供本文提出的地形阴影的精确控制。大多数LOD技术在管理大规模纹理数据方面是有限的:与几何数据的LOD机制相比,纹理数据没有提供相似的机制。Lindstrom 等[15]提出了一种处理单一的有关LOD地形几何的......
Abstract. In this paper, an approach for integrating multiresolution representations of terrain geometry and terrain texture data is presented. A terrain is modeled by a regular grid, which can be partially refined by local TINs in order to represent morphologically complex terrain parts. The multiresolution models for terrain texture data and geometry data are closely related: The rendering algorithm selects geometry and texture patches based on screen-space error criteria.Multiple texture hierarchies, which may represent different thematic information layers, can be bound to one terrain model. Multiple textures lead to a drastic improvement of visual quality: Topographic textures can be used to provide pixel-precise shading, alpha textures can be used to restrict or to highlight thematic textures. Multiple textures facilitate the development of visual interaction tools such as magic lenses, and texture animations. Multitexturing permits an efficient implementation of these concepts.
1 Introduction
In many kinds of virtual environments digital terrain models play a central role as fundamental tools to present and communicate spatial information. Various hierarchical data structures are suited for representing terrains, e.g., hierarchical TINs [6], Rtrees [12], restricted quadtree triangulations [16], and progressive meshes [10]. Most multiresolution modeling schemes support a specific type of input data such as arbitrarily distributed data points for triangulated irregular networks (TINs), or regularly distributed data points for grids. In general, real-world terrain data sets are composed of data of different types. For example, a cartographic terrain model can include grid data describing the digital elevation model (DEM) and microstructures describing......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——集成多分辨率几何和纹理的地形可视化模型文献翻译!