[关键词:遥感,GIS,土地利用] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0095,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

该研究的关键技术问题包括:基于整合的RS和GIS技术的全国土地利用和环境背景的土地分类系统;基于RS和GIS技术的源于Landsat TM影像和其它数据资源的土地利用和环境背景信息分类和数字化的解译和技术;对于土地利用和土地覆被变化监测很重要的背景数据库的设计与建立;中国农业用地和城镇建设用地案例的区划;案例研究的土地利用和空间统计模型的动态指数模型;等等。
1.引 言
The land use and land cover change is an important study field of the international global environment change research programs. The core technology of the study is how to implement the change monitoring in large scale effectively. With the supports of the key science and technology programs of The Chinese Academy of Sciences and The Ministry of Science and Technology of China, the scientists working in the field of remote sensing and GIS have carried out and are carrying on a series of projects on dynamic monitoring in national land use and land cover change.
The key technical problems for the study include: the combination classification system of national land use and its environmental background based integrated of remote sensing and GIS technology; the interpretation and techniques that classified and digitized of land use/land cover and environmental background information from Landsat TM images and other data sources using integrated RS and GIS system; the designing and establishing of background database which is important foundation for dynamic monitoring of land use/cover change; the regionalization for Chinese farmland and urban land dynamic sampling; the dynamic Index model of land-use and spatial statistical model for sampling study; etc.
Based on the achievements of technology study, the Chinese Academy of Sciences established an operational land use/cover change monitoring system and spatial-temporal database on land/cover completed land use/cover mapping of series scales, and developed several spatial data analysis models to support the environment study. The results of land use and land cover change study by remote sensing will not only be able to support the decision-making of national sustainable development, but also will make contribution to the study of global environment change.
1. Introduction
The coming and recent development of the space technology has bring a reformation to the research work and making suitable policy on population, resources, environment and development. Through......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——基于遥感和GIS技术的中国土地利用和土地覆被变化制图文献翻译!