[关键词:模型,多光谱,影像融合] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0094,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

1 介绍
到目前为止,文献中已经提出了很多的全色/多光谱影像融合方法,通常,这些现存的方法可以分为几个基本的类别。算术运算的方法、组分替换的方法、高频信息注入的方法、混合分析方法、基于模型的方法和混合方法。算术运算的方法是最早也是最为简单的融合方法,基于算术的全色/多光谱影像融合方法有加权融合方法、相乘融合方法和Brovey融合方法等。组分替换的方法是,先将多光谱影像变换为其它的空间,然后将全色影像或其他高空间分辨率影像替换得到的新的组分,其中IHS变换和主成分分析(PCA)融合是应用最为广泛的方法。FSTR(光谱响应函数)、UNB_pansharp和Gram-Schmidt(GS)也属于组分替换的方法。HFII方法是将首先提取全色影像的高频信息,然后将该高频信息添加到多光谱影像,Ranchin 和 Wald将这种方法叫做“ARSIS”(法语缩写),许多的HFII方法是基于多分辨率分析,像拉普拉斯金字塔方法、小波变换、Curvelet变换、Contourlet变换。其它的HFII方法在将高频信息添加到低分辨率多光谱影像之前,并不进行任何形式的高频率信息的变换,包括高通滤波、基于强度调制的平滑滤波。Ehlers方法是将IHS 组分变换方法和HFII方法结合在一起到混合方法,混合分析方法将光谱分解引入到融合方法中,典型的混合分析方法有基于线性混合模型融合方法和基于随机混合模型的融合方法。
Abstract — In this paper, an adjustable model-based image fusion method for multispectral (MS) and panchromatic (PAN) images is developed. The relationships of the desired high spatial resolution (HR) MS images to the observed low spatial resolution (LR) MS images and HR PAN image are formulated with image observation models. The maximum a posteriori (MAP) framework is employed to describe the inverse problem of image fusion. By choosing particular probability density functions (PDF), the fused HR MS images are solved using a gradient descent algorithm. In particular, two functions are defined to adaptively determine most regularization parameters using the partially fused results at each iteration, retaining one parameter to adjust the trade-off between enhancement of spatial information and maintenance of spectral information. The proposed method has been tested using QuickBird and IKONOS images and compared to several known fusion methods using quantitative evaluation indices. The experimental results verify the efficacy of this method.
Index Terms — Adjustable image fusion, model-based, maximum a posteriori (MAP), remote sensing.
I. Introduction
Due to the limits of sensor performance and/or other factors, the acquired images are often aliased and blurred. Although the single-based restoration techniques [1, 2] have the performance to increase the image definition, they only can recovery the information below the cut-off frequency determined by the diffraction limit. In order to get more image details, image fusion techniques are often used to integrate the complementary information among different images [3-7]. For example, multi-spectral (MS) images are often fused with a panchromatic (PAN) image to increase the spatial resolution.
So far, various MS/PAN fusion methods have been presented......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——基于模型的可调节全色和多光谱影像融合方法文献翻译!