[关键词:断轨频率,模型] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0011,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

1 引言
Broken rails can cause train delays, trains cancelations and, unfortunately, they are common causes of BROKEN RAILSaccidents. This affects planning of a resources, budget and organization of railway track maintenance. Planning of railway track maintenance cannot be done without an estimation of number of rails that will be replaced due to the broken rail incidents. There are many factors that influence broken rails and the most common are: rail age, annual gross tonnage, degree of curve and temperature in the time of breakage. The fuzzy logic model uses acquired data as input variables to predict the frequency of broken rails for the certain rail types on some Sections.
Keywords: broken rails, track maintenance, fuzzy logic
The main task of the railway track is to guide the vehicle and to take their vertical and horizontal loads and transmits them to the substructure. Rails carry railway vehicles and transfer their loads to sleepers and to ballast. Wear and deformation of rails is a negative side effect of exploitation [1]. This phenomenon has a signify cant impact on maintenance costs and determines the lifetime of the tracks on the lines. Any replacement or repair of damaged rails in addition to maintenance costs causes costs generated by train traffic disturbance (delays or blocked traffic)[2].
Deformations in tracks lead to premature damage to the wheels and the wagons, and thus affect the stability of the vehicle and the traffic safety. The costs of purchase and replacement of new tracks are very large. According to [3] some data, the share of costs for rails is about 40 % of the entire cost of rail construction.
According to the degree of rail defect there can be consequences on train traffic, from restriction of speed on a section to a track closure. If the broken rail is without a loss of material from the rail head, trains can pass over the broken rail with restricted speed of 5 km/h. If the broken rail is secured by temporary fishplate, trains can pass with 20 km/h.
Broken rails are threat to the regularity and reliability of the train traffic, leads to increased risk of accidents, and generates high costs of reconstruction of such sites and increased operating costs of transport.
To reduce the overall costs, good planning is necessary for rail maintenance. Efficient maintenance of the rail tracks demand a forecast on the number of .......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——预测断轨频率的模型文献翻译!