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[关键词:铁路信号,计算机联锁]  [热度 ]





Railway Station Signal Control System is the most important system in the field of railway transportation. With the rapid development of computer and electronics technique, and the traditional Relay interlocking is being replaced by The Computer Interlocking System (CIS), which represents the development direction of Railway Station Signal Control System, and the development trend of the CIS is Regional Interlocking.

As a kind of Safety Critical System, it is vital for the CIS to have the characteristic of “Fault-Safety”, which is the permanent center theme in the domain of Railway. Popularly speaking, the “Fault-Safety” principle is that when the fault is occurring in the system, the system steps to the side of safety, but not the side of danger. In order to realize the “Fault-safety”, the fault-tolerance technology of hardware and software are both adopted in the system, which enhances the system’s reliability and safety. Moreover, some study and analysis on the theory are made in the thesis. It is proved in the practice that the fault-tolerant technology is a effective measure to enhance system’s reliability and safety, and the technology in common used are hardware fault-tolerance, software fault-tolerance, information fault-tolerance, time fault-tolerance and so on. So this tech is widely used in the Railway signal control field, especially in the CIS.

On the system’s hardware design, it combines fault-tolerance thought with the present railway interlocking redundancy structure of the duplicated fault-tolerant system, the Main Interlocking computer and the standby can auto-switch when the main faults. On the system software design, the module-design thought was adopted, and fully considering the cohesion and coupling among modules, we do the best to improve the cohesion and bate the coupling among the modules, so that can enhance modules’ autocephaly and agility. According to the function, the software is divided into several modules, such as Validity-Check module, Route-Search module, Inter-process Communication module, System Status-Check module and so on, which approves the software standardization level and the program-code reuse. Moreover, in order to improve the reliability and safety, some redundancy measures are used in software design. The fault-tolerance technology on Interlocking Data is adopted, and concretely embody on the coding of safety-relating information, in which two codes having the biggest code-distance are used to represent two opposite statues of one set; To ensure the safety and reliability of system data, error-control technology is used in the information transmission; Task-level......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——铁路信号计算机联锁软件的设计方法信号文献翻译!