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[关键词:MAC协议,铁路监测]  [热度 ]


自动控制文献翻译——摘要—无线传感器网络(WSN)技术近来的发展激发了人们对车辆故障监测(VHM)系统发展的兴趣。它们有潜在的可能性运用在铁路信号监测系统和铁路轨道上。节能是无线传感器网络最重要的设计因素之一,因为典型的传感器配备的是能量有限的电池。在早期的研究中,学者们发明了一种节能型分簇自适应时分多路(TDMA)媒介访问控制(MAC)协议,即EA-TDMA. 本文介绍了另一种叫做E-BMA的新协议, 它通过对竞争阶段的闲散时间最小化来获得较好的节能效果。除了在铁路上的应用, EA TDMA和E - BMA协议也适用于一般的无线数据通信。就TDMA, EA-TDMA, BMA,和 E-BMA这几个协议在能量消耗上的分析和模拟结果来说,本文展示了EA-TDMA 和 E-BMA协议的优势。









Abstract—Recent advances in wireless sensor networking (WSN) techniques have encouraged interest in the development of vehicle health monitoring (VHM) systems. These have the potential for use in the monitoring of railway signaling systems and rail tracks. Energy efficiency is one of the most important design factors for the WSN as the typical sensor nodes are equipped with limited power batteries. In earlier research, an energy-efficient cluster-based adaptive time-division multiple-access (TDMA) medium-access-control (MAC) protocol, named EA-TDMA, has been developed by the authors. This paper proposes another new protocol, named E-BMA, which achieves even better energy efficiency for low and medium traffic by minimizing the idle time during the contention period. In addition to railway applications, the EA-TDMA and E-BMA protocols are suitable for generic wireless data communication purposes. Both analytical and simulation results for the energy consumption of TDMA, EA-TDMA, BMA, and E-BMA have been presented in this paper to demonstrate the superiority of the EA-TDMA and E-BMA protocols. 

Keywords—Energy efficiency, medium access control (MAC) protocol, railway wagon, vehicle health monitoring (VHM), wireless sensor network (WSN).

I. Introduction

With the increased demand for railway services, railway monitoring systems continue to advance at a remarkable pace to maintain reliable, safe, and secure operation. The lack of safety and security monitoring of railway infrastructure runs the risk of train collision, train derailment, terrorist threats, failures in the train wagons, etc. Track geometry inspection and monitoring enhances train-operating safety and reduced vehicle and track dynamic interaction. Monitoring vehicle characteristics in real time from track measurement data has been addressed by various research organizations. Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are widely used to monitor railway tracks and irregularities, develop intrusion detection systems, secure railway operations. 

The potential of WSN technology to monitor the railway-Wagon health condition and the vertical displacement of railway wagons due to track irregularities has yet to be fully explored. The limited lifetime of the batteries that power the sensor makes the energy efficiency a major design issue for WSN. This paper concentrates on developing an energy-efficient WSN MAC protocol to collect data from sensor that are placed inside the railway wagons and send the data to the locomotive for further precautionary .......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——节能无线MAC协议在铁路监测中的应用文献翻译!