[关键词:铁路信号,计算机联锁系统] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0044,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

2 铁路信号联锁系统
3 安全计算机的组件设计
(1) 标准化组成单元层包括四个独立的标准化CPU模块。这一层实现硬件“安全”逻辑联锁。
(2) 软件安全层主要用故障-安用策略和容错算法。由于一个完整的安全联锁系统采用两个不同的CPU输出的结果,所以最能确保软件设计某一版本,在设计时存在的多种错误,清除潜在的风险。
(3) 系统层,旨在提高系统的可用性和冗余系统的可维护性。
安全联锁计算机的操作基于两层数据总线上。高速总线采用标准以太网结构和TCP / IP通信协议、低总线控制器局域网(CAN)。C11、C12和C21、C22分别组成两个独立的安全计算部件IC1和IC2,并构成2乘2取2结构,并且每一部分都有计算机监控和外部开关电路动态监测。
1 Introduction
Signal Interlocking System is the critical equipment which can guarantee traffic safety and enhance operational efficiency in railway transportation. For a long time, the core control computer adopts in interlocking system is the special customized high-grade safety computer, for example, the SIMIS of Siemens, the EI32 of Nippon Signal, and so on. Along with the rapid development of electronic technology, the customized safety computer is facing severe challenges, for instance, the high development costs, poor usability, weak expansibility and slow technology update. To overcome the flaws of the high-grade special customized computer, the U.S. Department of Defense has put forward the concept:we should adopt commercial standards to replace military norms and standards for meeting consumers’ demand [1]. In the meantime, there are several explorations and practices about adopting open system architecture in avionics. The United Stated and Europe have do much research about utilizing cost-effective fault-tolerant computer to replace the dedicated computer in aerospace and other safety-critical fields. In recent years, it is gradually becoming a new trend that the utilization of standardized components in aerospace, industry, transportation and other safety-critical fields.
2 Railways signal interlocking system
2.1 Functions of signal interlocking system
The basic function of signal interlocking system is to protect train safety by controlling signal equipments, such as switch points, signals and track units in a station, and it handles routes via a certain interlocking regulation.
Since the birth of the railway transportation, signal interlocking system has gone through manual signal, mechanical signal, relay-based interlocking, and the modern computer-based Interlocking System.
2.2 Architecture of signal interlocking system
Generally, the Interlocking System has a hierarchical structure. According to the function of equipments, the system can be divided to the function of equipments; the system can be divided into three layers .They are man-machine interface layer,interlocking layer,and monitoring layer.......
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