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[关键词:标准验证法,计算机联锁系统]  [热度 ]





关键字: 联锁系统 正规方法 正规验证 花销裁剪 安全 佩特里网











ABSTRACT:SNCF is responsible for putting into service a interlocking systems on the French railway network. It is therefore essential, especially for computerized SIL4 systems that, SNCF has its own approval process to ensure that new interlocking systems are safe in the context of the French network. Checks and tests before putting safety facilities into service as well as the results of these tests are essential, time consuming and may show great variations between each other. Economic constraints and the increasing complexity associated with the development of computerized tools tend to limit the capacity of the classic approval process (manual or automatic). A reduction of the validation cover rate could result in practice.

The method and the tool presented in this paper makes it possible to formally validate new computerized systems or evolutions of existing French interlocking systems with real-time functional interpreted Petri nets. The aim of our project is to provide SNCF with an effective method for the formal validation of French interlocking systems. A formal proof method by assertion, which is applicable to industrial automation equipment such as interlocking systems, and which covers equally the specification and its real software implementation, is presented in this paper. With the proposed method and its associated tools we completely verify that the system follows all safety properties at all times and does not show superfluous conditions: it replaces all the indoor checks (not the outdoor checks). It can easily be included in the existing SNCF testing procedures.

The immediate advantages expected are a significant reduction of testing time and of the related costs, an increase of the test coverage rate, an answer to the new demand of railway infrastructure maintenance engineering to modify and validate computerized interlocking systems. Formal methods mastery by infrastructure engineers is surely a key to prove that more safety is not necessarily more expensive. 

Keywords: Interlocking system, Formal method, Formal validation, Costs reducing, Safety, Petri nets


One of the particularities of railway risk analysis is that the hazard events that we wish to detect and to analyze have a very low marginal probability (they correspond to abnormalities in comparison to the regular mode of the concerned system). Consequently, feedback data of these hazard events (failures, accidents) in the French railway system are very rare.

We identify three types of problems, depending on what aspect one focuses on:

(1)characterization of hazard events; in this case there is adequate available data,  i.e. non-programmable systems;

(2)discrimination of the abnormalities from situations of normal working; in this case the strength of the available data will be strongly disproportionate, i.e. programmed systems in use for a long while;

(3)in the extreme case where no feedback data of abnormalities are available, it is not possible to use a statistical approach. One can construct a model of the regular modes of the system and this model can serve to detect the gaps corresponding to possible abnormalities i.e. new programmed systems or systems after functional modifications.In fact, recent accidents have shown that statistical approaches are......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——标准验证法在计算机联锁系统中的应用文献翻译!