[关键词:传感器,交通灯系统] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0181,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

Abstract: The main object of this study was to design and implement a suitable algorithm and its simulation for an intelligent traffic signal simulator. The system developed is able to sense the presence or absence of vehicles within certain range by setting the appropriate duration for the traffic signals to react accordingly. By employing mathematical functions to calculate the appropriate timing for the green signal to illuminate, the system can help to solve the problem of traffic congestion. The simulation of the algorithm of the traffic signal system was done using MATLAB software. Hardware simulation tests were successfully performed on the algorithm implemented into a controller. The new timing scheme that was implemented promises an improvement in the current traffic light system and this system is feasible, affordable and ready to be implemented especially during peak hours. A countdown timer interfacing according to the traffic system using Lab VIEW software was also created. Key words: Traffic signal system, sensor based traffic light system, traffic congestion
Many traffic light systems operate on a timing mechanism that changes the lights after a given interval. An intelligent traffic light system senses the presence or absence of vehicles and reacts accordingly. The idea behind intelligent traffic systems is that drivers will not spend unnecessary time waiting for the traffic lights to change. An intelligent traffic system detects traffic in many different ways [1]. The older system uses weight as a trigger mechanism [2]. Current traffic systems react to motion to trigger the light changes. Once the infrared object detector picks up the presence of a car, a switch causes the lights to change. In order to accomplish this, algorithms are used to govern the actions of the traffic system. While there are many different programming languages today, some programming concepts are universal in Boolean Logic. We need to understand the function of traffic signals so that we can improve driving habits by controlling the speed in order to reduce the number of associated traffic accidents. The more number of drivers who know about the operation of traffic signals, the less frustrated they are going to be while waiting for the lights to change. The main aim in designing and developing of the Intelligent Traffic Signal Simulator is to reduce the waiting time of each lane of the cars and also to maximize the total number of cars that can cross an intersection given the mathematical function to.......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——基于传感器的交通灯系统的设计和开发文献翻译!