[关键词:单片机,LED,显示屏] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0182,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

通信工程文献翻译——LED点阵显示屏作为一种新兴的显示器件,是由多个独立的LED发光二极管封装而成. LED点阵显示屏可以显示数字或符号, 通常用来显示时间、速度、系统状态等。文章给出了一种基于STC89C52单片机的16×16 点阵LED显示屏的设计方案。包括系统具体的硬件设计方案,软件流程图和部分C语言程序等方面。在负载范围内, 只需通过简单的级联就可以对显示屏进行扩展,是一种成本低廉的图文显示方案。
通常LED 的控制包括字形控制(显示什么字符)和位控制(哪些位显示)。在静态显示方式下,每一位显示的字形控制线是独立的,分别接到一个8位I/O口上,字位控制线也连接到另一个I/O口上。当想显示一个字符时,让相应的LED点亮即可。现在很多的广告牌都是这样做的。这种造价低也容易实现。
动态显示用的还是比较广泛的,所谓动态显示就是一位一位的轮流点亮LED,在每一时刻只有一位显示器在工作(点亮),但由于人眼的视觉暂留效应和发光二极管熄灭时的余辉,将出现多个字符“同时”显示的现象。即在每一瞬间,所有LED会显示相同的字符,要想每位显示不同的字符,就必须采用扫描方法轮流点亮各位LED,即在每一瞬间只使某一位显示字符,在此瞬间,断选控制I/O口输出相应字符选码(字型码)。而位选则控制I/O口在该显示位送入选通电平,以保证该位显示相应字符。如此轮流,使每位分时显示该位应显示字符。例如要显示LL0-220时,I/O 1和I/O 2轮流送入段选码、位选码及显示状态。段选码、位选码每送入一次延时1ms,因为人的视觉暂留时间位100ms,所以每位显示的时间间隔不能超过20ms,并保持延时一段时间,以造成视觉暂留效果,......
As a popular display device component, LED dot-matrix display board consists of several independent LED (Light Emitting Diode). The LED dot-matrix display board can display the number or sign, and it is usually used to show time, speed, the state of system etc. This paper introduces a kind of simple 16x16 LED display screen design process based on STC89C52 single chip minicomputer . The detail hardware scheme, software flow and C language programmer design and so on is followed. The display part can be cascaded to meet the need. The practice proves the design is low-cost and effective.
First of all know of LED dot matrix, the so-called of LED dot matrix is LED to more array in a way device, can be divided into monochrome, double-color, three kinds of color. According to the arrangement of polarity LED into type of Yin and Yang type two kinds. According to the matrix each line or each column contains the number of different LED, and can be divided into 5 x7, 8 x 8, 16 × 16 type etc. One of the LED's pin regular connection, divided into type of Yin and Yang of type 8 x8 LED array.
Usually the control including glyph LED control (display what characters) and a control (what a display). In the static display mode, each a display of the form the line is independent, respectively, received a eight I/O mouth, the word a line also connected to another I/O mouth. When want to display a character, make corresponding LED light can. Now a lot of billboards would do this. This kind of low ......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——基于单片机的LED点阵显示屏的设计文献翻译!