IEEE 802.15.4传感器网络的暂态分析文献翻译
[关键词:传感器,网络暂态] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0122,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

通信工程文献翻译——摘要:本文研究了传感器网络的时延性能。传感器节点是以IEEE 802.15.4标准的无槽MAC协议接入的,不像以前仅关注平均吞吐量和延迟分析。我们研究出一种详细的模型,这种模型可以使得我们通过传感器获取传送给中央控制器消息的时延分布。当布设的传感器网提供一个κ-覆盖的实时应用时,包括单跳和多跳网络拓扑结构,暂态分析是最令人感兴趣的。我们通过NS-2模型的仿真结果验证了我们的分析结果。
无线传感器网络(WSN)通常被运用于实时应用,如环境监督, 医疗保健和交通控制。在这篇文章中,尽管存在网络节点严重受到资源的限制,无线传感器网络不得不提供一个可靠的网络覆盖面评定区,同时还要解决严重的时间限制。
Abstract—We study the delay performance of a sensor network, whose nodes access the medium by using the unslotted MAC protocol specified by the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. Unlike previous works, which focus on the average throughput and delay analysis, we develop a detailed model that allows us to obtain the delivery delay distribution of messages sent by concurrently contending sensors toward a central controller. We carry out a transient analysis that is of particular interest when sensor networks are deployed to provide ??-coverage for real-time applications, and we study both single- and multi-hop network topologies. We validate our analytical results against simulation results obtained through ns2.
Index Terms—Wireless sensor networks, IEEE 802.15.4 MAC,hybrid automata, Markov models, performance evaluation.
WIRELESS sensor networks (WSN) are often used for real-time applications, such as environment surveillance, medical care, and vehicle traffic control. In these contexts, in spite of the severe resource limitations that characterize sensor nodes, WSNs have to provide a reliable coverage of the area of interest as well as to meet severe timing constraints.In this work, we focus on WSNs for event detection where each spatial point of the controlled area is covered by sensors. Upon an event occurrence, each of the nodes generates a detection report and tries to transmit it to a central
controller. At the MAC layer, we assume that the sensor nodes implement the IEEE 802.15.4 contention-based scheme.Furthermore, we consider that the central controller detects an event if it receives ?? positive reports from different sensors .......
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