[关键词:电感式,传感器,线性测量] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0143,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

Measuring instruments with inductance transducers occupy a dominant position in the field of electronic devices for linear measurements in ranges up to 5–10 mm thanks to a number of advantages as compared to other types of transducers.The devices are equipped with numerous control shop devices and equipment in computer-aided production, along with laboratory test devices, including devices for validation and verification of end gages. Such inductance transducers feature a relative simple construction, low overall dimensions, and low price, as well as rather high power of the output signal, precision,and reliability, low sensitivity to variations in environmental conditions, and a combination of excellent dynamic properties with the potential ability to transmit a signal over comparatively great distances (up to 10–15 m) with minimal distortions and losses. The overwhelming majority of general-purpose inductance transducers that are manufactured today have an outer bore diameter of 8 mm and possess roughly the same design. However, these types of transducers suffer from a number of structural and metrological shortcomings which it is absolutely necessary to take into account in the course of use.
Inductance transducers are manufactured by leading foreign firms in the United States, Europe, and Japan, such asTesa (Sweden), Mahr (Germany), Mitutoyo (Japan), Marposs (Italy), and others. In Russia, inductance transducers are produced by the Izmeron and Micromekh factories on the basis of the international standard. Each manufacturer offers a large range of inductance transducers for the solution of different measurement problems.
The dependence of the inductive impedance of the coils on variations in the length of the air gap between the ferromagnetic armature and the magnetic circuit is used in differential solenoid inductance transducers. Consequently, the parameters of the electrical output signal of an inductance transducer depend on the linear displacement of the core associated with a deviation of the dimension of the control object. Differential inductance transducers consist of a coil that contains two or more windings and a moveable core situated within the coil. ......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——电感式传感器线性测量介绍文献翻译!