[关键词:GIS,场模型] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0089,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

连续场模型和离散个体模型在抽象的概念层次上构成了地理空间数据模型的基础(Couclelis 1992,Goodchild 1992, Burrough and McDonnell 1998, Worboys and Duckham 2004)。场模型观点认为真实世界是连续的,可以回答类似“那里是什么”的问题,而对象模型观点将现实世界抽象为离散的,可以容易的确定一个给定物体的位置(Vckovski 1998)。尽管存在这些不同,Cova and Goodchild (2002)证明了场模型和对象模型的概念可以共存。同时,Ca? mara et al.(2000)从对象模型和场模型操作的角度,为它们提出了一个统一的基于对象的框架。从本体论的观点,Peuquetet al.(1998)提出了地理空间的四种概念模型:充满物质的空间,绝对覆盖,硬分区和对象(或实体)。同一种现象可以用这四种方法中的任何一种来建模,因此它们之间的分界线也是不明确的。通常来说,第一个(充满物质的空间)与场模型类似,最后一个(对象或实体)与对象模型更类似。Kjenstad (2006)在一个地理信息系统中用UML(统一建模语言)来整合基于对象的和基于场的模型,提出了参数化的地理对象模型(PGOModel)。尽管参数化的地理对象模型针对于概念层次的抽象,但是它为在场模型和对象模型的范围之外,实现一个统一的地理信息系统提供了一个有前景的解决方案,这里的场模型与对象模型也就是栅格和矢量数据。最后,Goodchildet al. (2007)表明场和对象的概念均来源于一个单一的基础概念,也就是地理原子。
Geospatial data modelling is dominated by the distinction between continuous-field and discrete-object conceptualizations. However, the boundary between them is not always clear, and the field view is more fundamental in some respects than the object view. By viewing a set of objects as an object field and unifying it with conventional field models, a new concept, the General Field (G-Field) model, is proposed. In this paper, the properties of G-Field models, including domain, range, and categorization, are discussed. As a summary, a descriptive framework for G-Field models is proposed. Then, some common geospatial operations in geographic information systems are reconsidered from the G-Field perspective. The geospatial operations are classified into order-increasing operations and non-order-increasing operations, depending on changes induced in the G-Field’s order. Generally, the order can be viewed as an indicator of the level of information extraction of geospatial data. It is thus possible to integrate the concept of order with a geo-workflow management system to support geographic semantics.
KEY WORDS: General Field model; Order of General Field; Order-increasing
operation; Non-order-increasing operation; Geographic information system
1. Introduction
Continuous-field and discrete-object conceptualizations constitute the foundation of geospatial data modelling at the conceptual level of abstraction (Couclelis 1992,Goodchild 1992, Burrough and McDonnell 1998, Worboys and Duckham 2004).The field view regards the real world continuously, providing answers to queries of the form ‘What is there?’, while the object view abstracts the real world discretely and can readily identify the location of a given object (Vckovski 1998). Despite these differences, Cova and Goodchild (2002) demonstrated that field and object concepts can coexist, while Ca? mara et al.(2000) presented a unified object-based framework for object and field models in terms of their operations. From an ontological point of view, Peuquetet al.(1998) proposed four conceptual models of ......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——关于在GIS中一般场模型和其等级的研究文献翻译!