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[关键词:地理信息系统,区域规划]  [热度 ]




规划和其它的一些技术,反映了地理信息系统所服务的社会文化。北美地区目前正经历一个以计算机为基础的地理信息系统(GIS)的规划问题的链接的革命。这种共生关系,反映了以经济发展为重点的城市和区域规划的白话方式,和对高科技的解决方案。北美供应作为重点检查这些GIS的规划措施所产生的趋势。非洲大陆有着悠久的规划和资源管理GIS应用历史可以追溯到60年代中期。 GIS的规划领域一直在以惊人的速度扩散。这个过程是合理有据可查的,尽管大多是非正式的来源。但是越来越多的人认识到,验收制度,系统的成本下降,产品的多样性,引入微机,PC为基础的地理信息系统软件的可用性,导致过多的以规划为基础的GIS的应用。由于长寿和地理信息系统计划在北美的增长速度,该领域现在是充分建立是为了让有意义的趋势,评估和方向进行检讨。

信息的来源都已经公布,地理信息系统在城市和区域规划在北美打范围被应用。 Ueker(1979年),汤姆林森(1987年)和Wellar(1975)的早期研究确定了地理信息系统主要发展趋势和山形墙在地理信息系统规划领域的发展。近年来,Warnecke(1992),Vonderohe和萨利赫(1991),Huxhold(1990)的死亡,使霍尔滕和史迪威(1990)都集中在基于GIS的LES具体规划上。由于品种的使用程度和大陆尺度的地理信息系统的应用,这些评估有一定主观性。在软件,硬件和应用领域的趋势已大致确定和个人的参与和知识的基础上,地理信息系统迅速的蔓延.......

The diffusion of GIS within North American planning has occurred at a remarkable rate. Growing awareness, institutional acceptance, falling system costs and product diversity have led to a plethora of planning applications, varying in maturity and sophistication. The field is now sufficiently well established to allow meaningful trends, evaluations and directions to be reviewed. GIS applications in planning are characterized by geographical scale and the dominant influences shaping GIS utilization in planning are examined at the national, regional, trans-regional, metropolitan and neighbourhood scales. Transformations brought about by the interplay of GIS and planning are presented.

Planning, and the technology which supports it, reflects the culture of the society it serves. North America is currently experiencing a revolution in the linking of computer-based Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to planning issues. This symbiotic relationship reflects the vernacular approach to urban and regional planning, and an emphasis on high-technology solutions to economic development. North America serves well as a focus for examining trends arising from these GIS-planning initiatives. The continent has a long history of GIS applications in planning and resource management dating back to the mid-1960s. The diffusion of GIS into the planning sphere has continued at a remarkable rate. This process is reasonably well documented, albeit in disparate and mostly informal sources. Growing awareness, institutional acceptance, falling system costs, product diversity, the introduction of microcomputers and the availability of PC-based GIS software have led to a plethora of planning-based applications. Given the longevity and rate of growth of GIS in......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——地理信息系统在城市和区域规划中的应用文献翻译!