[关键词:CBTC,列车控制] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0022,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

CBTC(Communication Based Train Control)系统是众所周知的铁路信号系统里全面、完整、智能的控制系统,包括干线铁路、轻轨和城市的地铁线路。随着现代通信技术、计算机技术和控制技术的发展,CBTC代表了铁路控制信号系统的发展方向。目前,CBTC系统已经被应用于轻轨和城市的地铁线路。由于很多因素它没有被应用在干线铁路。在未来的几十年,全世界的铁路系统将会得到快速的发展。CBTC是铁路系统的大脑和神经中枢且能够确保铁路系统安全和效率的。所以有必要对CBTC系统进行进一步的发展和研究。在欧洲,有ETCS(欧洲列车控制系统)。在中国有CTCS(中国列车控制系统)。在美国和日本的北部,他们有先进的列车控制系统或移动闭塞系统。然而目前全世界还没有对于CBTC系统的开发和设计的规范。本文的目标是建立一个关于CBTC的开发和设计标准。CBTC系统的配置首先被描述,也是主要的技术难点。CBTC系统的基本模块和接口被定义。从目前的列车基于轨道电路控制系统、环线及其他传统的对于CBTC系统的传输方法也提出了建议。
1 介绍
目前,在世界上CBTC系统来自不同的公司。例如,阿尔卡特的SELTRAC已被用于在加拿大温哥华的Sky Train在1986年,美国的FK-Airport轻轨系统在2003年。西门子的Trainguard MT将在2006年用于纽约地下线路Canarsie。阿尔斯通的URBALIS已应用于新加坡轻轨自2003年以来。此外,也有CBTC系统来自日本通用电气和CSEE等。在这个世界上,将会有超过30条轻轨和地铁系统已经或将被使用CBTC系统。据统计,大部分CBTC系统是通过轨道环线进行车-地通信,部分用无线电进行车-地通信。在欧洲,无线传输系统将用于列车控制(ETCS-2和Euro-radio)。现今,在许多城市信号系统需要更新换代,包括伦敦、巴黎和纽约,CBTC系统选择作为一种新型的系统。据估计,在不久的将来CBTC系统将被应用于铁路干线。
CBTC (Communication Based Train Control) systems are known as comprehensive, integrated and intelligent control systems for rail systems including mainline railways, light rails and underground lines in cities. With the development of modern data communication, computer and control techniques, CBTC represents the future direction of rail control systems. At present, CBTC has been used in light rail and underground lines in cities. It has not been implemented in mainline railways for many reasons. In future decades, rail systems will be in rapid development periods throughout the world. CBTC is known as the brain and nerve centre of rail systems, and ensures the safety and efficiency of rail systems. It is necessary for CBTC to be researched and developed further. In Europe, there is the ETCS (European Train Control System). In China, there is the CTCS (Chinese Train Control System). In Northern American and Japan, there are advanced train control systems or moving block systems. However, there is no standard for development and design of CBTC in the world at present. In this paper, efforts are made towards the establishment of a CBTC standard which directs the development and design of CBTC systems. The configuration of CBTC systems is first described. The key technical issues are addressed. The fundamental modular of CBTC and its interface requirements are defined. The transit methods from the present train control systems based on track circuits, transponders and other traditional means to CBTC systems are also put forward.
Keywords: Automation control system,Rail system,Computer and communication, Standardization
1 Introduction
The CBTC (Communication Based Train Control) system has been known as the development direction of control systems for rail systems in the world. In particular, with quick development of modern mobile communication, its implementation and application become more and more easily. At present, CBTC has been used in city rail transportation systems, such as light rail and underground systems. It will be used in mainline railway systems in the near future. Application of CBTC has the following features. It makes the dispatching system more flexible and efficient. The safety and reliability of the system are high. It is easy for CBTC to be transited from the present system. The maintenance cost for CBTC is lower since track circuits are removed from the system. The control system of railway network will be towards intelligent, network and comprehensive system, CBTC is as brain and nerve centre of the railway system. Its development and application will be with the direction of railway operation control system.
At present, there are CBTC systems from the different company in the world. For example, SELTRAC from Alcatel has been used in Sky Train in Vancouver in Canada since 1986, in JFK-Airport Light Rail System in the United States since 2003. Trainguard MT from Siemens will be used in the underground line Canarsie in New York in 2006. URBALIS from Alstom has been used in the Light rail in Singapore since 2003. In addition, there are also CBTC systems from Japan Signaling, GE and CSEE etc. In the world, there are more than 30light rail and underground systems where CBTC systems have been or will be applied. According to the statistics, most of the CBTC systems are based on cross-loops for train-ground communication, some of the CBTC systems use radio for train-ground communication. In Europe, Radio system will be used for train control (ETCS-2 and Euro-radio). Nowadays, when the signaling systems need to be.......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——CBTC(基于通信的列车控制系统):系统和发展文献翻译!