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[关键词:列车,监控]  [热度 ]




1. ATS子系统功能




Central ATS System consists of equipment, cables, computers, peripheral computers, networks and computer software. ATS System exchanges data and commands with other CBTC subsystems over data network. Central ATS possesses Linux computer platform, which provides a robust, reliable system, is POSIX compliant, and is based on 32 bit Intel (or compatible) architecture The LAN network is composed of redundant 10BaseT/100BaseTX Ethernet switches.  Each processor on the network is connected to both networks and has access to data from all other processors. 

Communication between Central ATS system, the Zone Controllers, the Data Storage Unit (DSU), and the remote ATS Station Control Workstations and Data Communication System (DCS) locations will be accomplished by means of two Ethernet LANs configured in the normal/standby mode.  The LAN is propagated to each remote location through a remote fiber optic cabling plant and network multiplexers, including redundant AS and BS, installed at the Central Office, the Depot, and each Remote ATS Station Subsystem and DCS location.

1.ATS Subsystem Function

The ATS system is used to supervise and control all the vehicle operation on the mainline.

The ATS provides control and monitoring facilities to supervise the CBTC subsystems and to interface with external systems as included within this proposal.  The ATS monitors and displays the location of in-service CBTC equipped trains as reported from each train via the DCS, automatically adjusts performance levels and dwell times to maintain the schedule or headway, and provides for manual control of operations that includes the holding/release of one or all trains, establishment/removal of speed restrictions, and the temporary zone closures/openings using Zone Controller (ZC).

The ATS system normally performs its functions automatically, without the need for operator intervention.  The system schedules the addition of trains, per the schedule, continually monitors each train's operation, and removes trains when they are scheduled to be out of revenue service.

Train Tracking (TTT) performs train creations, deletions and movement operations by using reported train locations, operator requests, and Vehicle Regulation......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——列车自动监控子系统文献翻译!