[关键词:通信,列控系统] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0009,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

自动控制文献翻译——4.5 显示需求
a) 红—常用于限制条件。紧急报警以及其它要求立刻注意到的条件,还包括合法授权所描述的不能容忍的条件。
b) 绿—常用于正常或积极的状态,以及可容忍的条件。
c) 黄—常用于较小警告以及合法授权所描述的超出容忍程度较小的条件。
d) 蓝—常用于控制约束。暗背景下不应使用纯蓝,若没有明显的边界或分割不应与红色相邻。
e) 白—常包括不同灰度的阴影,用于背景信息、静态信息、文本、以及合法授权描述的超出容忍度(正面)一定程度的条件。除了白之外,所用的灰度阴影不应超过两种。
f) 黑—可能用于背景,以及背景与之相反时的文本。
g) 洋红—常用于建议、控制动作要求指示、以及合法授权所描述的非紧急功能。
对于紧急数据应采取高亮技术提示用户。颜色的显示属性、颜色深度、闪烁、反置属性、纹理线、以及附加符号 等应用于高亮仪器状态、警告、数据量、数据进入位置、以及错误配件。
4.6 听觉装置需求
4.5 Display requirements
The CBTC system shall display information to users in accordance with the prescribed color and display symbol conventions in this standard, and the referenced sections of MIL-STD 1472. In addition, the authority having jurisdiction may de?ne the colors and display symbol conventions for compatibility with other non-CBTC systems.
Where not in con?ict with color codes speci?ed herein, colors shall accommodate users with color de?cient vision.
General guidelines for the application of colors on CBTC displays are as follows:
a) RED—generally utilized for restrictive conditions, critical alarms and other conditions requiring immediate attention, and for conditions well out of tolerance, as prescribed by the authority having jurisdiction.
b) GREEN—generally utilized for normal or active states, and for conditions that are within tolerance.
c) YELLOW—generally utilized for minor alarms and conditions that are out of tolerance to a minor extent, as prescribed by the authority having jurisdiction.
d) BLUE—generally utilized for control inhibit. Pure blue shall not be utilized on dark backgrounds or adjacent to red without an intervening border/separator.
e) WHITE—generally including various shades of gray for background information, static information, text, and conditions that are out of tolerance (positive), to an extent prescribed by the authority having jurisdiction. No more than two shades of gray, in addition to white, should be utilized.
f) BLACK—may be utilized for backgrounds and for text where a contrasting background is provided.
g) MAGENTA—generally available for advisories, control-action request indication, and for non-critical functions as prescribed by the authority having jurisdiction.
Highlighting techniques shall direct the user to critical data. The display attributes of color, color intensity, blinking/flashing, character inversion, line texture, and appended symbols shall be provided to highlight device status, alarms, data quality, data entry locations, and error conditions......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——基于通信的列控系统文献翻译!