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[关键词:列控系统,危险因素]  [热度 ]



1 CTCS-3级系统构成与功能

1.1 地面设备系统组成与功能


1.2 车载设备系统组成与功能


2 危险因素辨识

2.1 RBC与GSM-R传输故障

RBC通过GSM-R传输通信数据,生成速度—距离监控所需要的移动授权信息 MA,使车载自动超速防护系统ATP对列车进行防护。RBC与GSM-R通信出现中断,会导致整个通信环路断裂,行车许可、线路参数、临时限速等无法传输到车载计算机,仅依靠轨道电路及应答器传送的数据无法生成MA,致使行车中断,列车在ATP的保护下扣行于线路,影响整条线路的正常行车。现用于高速铁路的轨道电路主要以ZPW-2000为主。运用载频、频偏技术,在超长无缝电气绝缘钢轨上传输轨道占用信号。若某一电气绝缘装置发生故障,则前一区段所传输过来的信号无法电气绝缘和变频,导致后一区段与前一区......


CTCS-3 train control system has been in China the use of sophisticated high-speed rail. This paper describes its ground surface composition and automotive equipment, traffic patterns, etc, into the further understanding of the relative contact with various parts of the system, analysis of the common risk factors occur when part of a large affect the system, so that the accident prevention and early provide clues to treatment-related failures and dangerous time is now assessment.

Keywords: Grade CTCS-3 train control system, Risk factors, Fault analysis, System constitutes

Train Control System Identify Common Risk Factors of Grade CTCS-3

Construction and operation of high-speed railway in the process, pass safety and reliability of telecommunications signals facility is particularly important. Different from previous railway communication signals, high-speed rail road canceled terrestrial signals, according to car traffic signal data, which requires high-speed railway vehicle has a high signal accuracy, timeliness, stability. Ancillary terrestrial

device (GSM-R mobile land, FAS fixed network and the fixed contact terminals) for normal operation of the vehicle signal provides a strong guarantee. As a decency, pass any part of the letter appears abnormal signal equipment will shadow response to the transmission signal and the feedback of the entire system. Therefore, centralized monitoring ground communication equipment, remote maintenance, so fault diagnostics, environmental monitoring, power management is to maintain, especially is important, but also directly related to the high speed railway construction and safe operation.

1 CTCS-3 system configuration and function 

1.1 System components and functions of ground equipment

Ground equipment level including train control center (TCC), Radio Block Center (RBC), track circuit (ZPW-2000(UM)) or point-device (including LEU), an interface unit, a wireless communication module (GSM-R) and the like. Row ground control center is the core of the device, according to the traffic order , train route, the train running status and device status, by safety logic operations, generates a control command vehicle to achieve control of the operation of the train. As the core of the train control system RBC, is used between the ground train radio communication means every control system. It is based on occupancy and the way the train state issued a mandate to move to the jurisdiction of the train and the train control information. GSM-R ground equipment as system information transmission platform completed to large amounts of information workshop exchange. Point.......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——CTCS-3级列控系统常见危险因素辨识文献翻译!