[关键词:列车,自动控制,文献翻译] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0005,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

1 发明背景
A system and method for controlling the movement of plural freight trains through a multiple route railway system with improved effciency and safety. Freight train movements are precisely monitored and orchestrated in accordance with a dynamic schedule that is determined through an evaluation of delivery requirements, coordination among all trains, speed restrictions and the effects of the track topography and train consist on train response to brake an power application.
1 Background of the Invention
The present invention relates to the control of the movement of plural trains through a network of track in a multiple route railway system, and more particularly to a method and system of controlling the movement of a lengthy freight train in which the train movements are precisely monitored and orchestrated in accordance with a dynamic schedule that is determined through an evaluation of, inter alia, delivery schedule requirements, coordination among all trains, applicable speed restrictions and the effects of the track topography and train consist on train response to brake and power applications.
Today’s freight railroads consist of a rail infrastructure, including track, switches, a communication system and a control system, and rolling stock, including locomotives and cars. Generally, each of these components is employed by the use of a high level schedule which assigns locomotives and cars to the various sections of track and allows them to move over that track in a manner that avoids collisions and permits the railway system to deliver goods to various destinations. Two basic limitations of the present system are the inability to exert precise, closed loop control over the movement of the trains, and the inability to quickly respond to unplanned disruptions in service in the most cost-effcient manner. It would be highly desirable to have the ability to better hold trains to their schedule and respond to disruptions in service automatically by exerting precise, closed loop control over the movement of trains. In addition, it would be highly desirable to improve the degree of safety with which train movements are directed and......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——列车自动控制系统与方法文献翻译!