[关键词:自动报警,自动控制,文献翻译] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0001,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

报警装置的“斜坡”设置在铁路线路中间,以便列车上的检测器能越过并且能接收到信号。这个“斜坡”能给司机提供信号状态的警示。法国铁路运用了一个类似的系统称为“the Crocodile”,德国叫“Induis”。
In spite of the excellent safety record of railways as a means of transportation, there have been occasions when drivers have allowed their train to pass a point where they should have stopped. Many of these incidents have resulted in collisions, some involving loss of life and most involving damage to equipment or property. Most incidents are the result of a driver failing to ensure that his train stops at a stop signal. In the UK, this has become known as SPAD or Signal Passed At Danger.
Such incidents have occurred on railways ever since they began in the early 19th century and various systems have been introduced to try to prevent them. These have taken the form of both warning and train stop systems. In the UK, a warning system is used on most main lines. An alarm sounds in the driver's cab whenever a train approaches a caution or stop signal. If the driver fails to acknowledge the alarm, the train brakes are applied. The system is called AWS (Automatic Warning System)
It was realised (even before WW1) that some sort of automatic and enforceable warning was needed. This (after a number of experiments and some complete systems had been tried) eventually took the form of a track mounted, non-contact inductor which became known as AWS (Automatic Warning System). The AWS "ramp" as the inductor is known, is placed about 185 metres (200 yards) on the approach side of the signal (diagram, left).
The AWS ramp is placed between the rails so that a detector on the train will pass over it and receive a signal. The ramp will thus warn the driver of the status of the signal. The French railways use a similar system called "the Crocodile", the Germans, the "Indusi".
The AWS ramp contains a pair of magnets, the first permanent, the second an electro-magnet linked to the signal to provide an indication of the aspect. The ramp is placed between the rails so that a detector on the train can receive the indication data. The more observant passenger on a station platform can often see the ramps between the rails. They are usually a ......
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