[关键词:集中控制,自动控制,文献翻译] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0003,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

1. Introduction
Centralized Traffic Control or CTC as it is generally known, is an original development of the General Railway Signal Company. It was first installed in 1927 from Stanley to Berwick, O-hio, a distance of 40 miles, on what was then the New York Central Railroad.
A centralized traffic control system is made up of a succession of interlocking, all controlled from a single console. Automatic block signals are usually provided on the intervening trackage. Such a system may be adapted to any existing signal installation and may be applied to single or multiple track. The control console, located in an office within, adjacent to, or remote from the installation, provides means for initiating the desired controls and for displaying the indications which keep the operator informed of train movements and track conditions. Important switches and crossovers are power operated to expedite the movement of trains into and out of sidings, junctions, etc.
2. Elements of CTC Operation
Detailed description of an actual CTC circuit would take far more space than is available in a book of this nature. What are described here are elementary principles of operation. For details of a particular system, refer to the appropriate GRS publication.
3. Implementation of Coding Systems
There are usually a variety of implementing a technical concept such as coded communication, and this is true of CTC coding. GRS has developed a number of coding systems since introducing CTC. These have reflected changes in communication technology, and also have reflected expanding railroad requirements for field location capacity, number of control and indication functions, speed of operation, and adaptability to specific types of communication plant, e.g., dedicated wire line, telephone circuit, microwave, etc.
Coding systems ......
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