[关键词:智能环境监测系统,无线传感器网络] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0294,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

无线传感器网络(WSN)由小型自主节点组成,具有小而有效的价格相对较低的优点。传感器网络具有实时监控的主要应用。 最后,感知,处理和通信技术的进步降低了传感器的成本,使其尺寸更小,效率更高。 然而,WSN的系统性能仍然受到单元计算速度,存储容量和通信稳定性等的影响。在硬件的局限性方面,已经讨论了WSN软件的许多问题,如路由协议,媒体访问控制[1] ,覆盖和电源管理。
无线传感器网络在这个时代从设计到运行都有几个进步,后来随着时间的推移,增加了很少的增强。 传感器网络的弹性和能量效率是强制性的。 需要进行改变,以增加网络内无线传感器网络的寿命,无论是在设备中进行设计和升级。 无线传感器网络习惯于监测交通拥堵,及时的灾害警报,家庭和医疗应用等。无线传感器网络由安装在地面上的这些设备,建筑物和车辆等中的大量接收节点,传感器节点和通信连接组成。传感器节点由诸如发射机,数据处理要点, 接收机和能源。 传感器节点负责将其感测能力检测到的信息发送到后续传感器节点或汇聚节点。 多样性环境参数通过无线传感器网络的传感元件(如气体,烟雾浓度和灰尘等)测量[2]。 这造成空气污染。 计算系统执行数据收集过程。
随着空气污染和气体浓度的增加,需要监测室内空气污染,节省人们的生命。 由于室内挥发性有机化合物(VOC)的存在,人们正在死亡,因此我们需要更加注重节约户外空气污染。 为此,我们通过使用无线传感器网络开发出了建议的室内和室外......
With the progression of advancements in technology, several innovations has been made in the field of communications that are transiting to Internet of Things. In this domain, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are one of those independent sensing devices to monitor physical and environmental conditions along with thousands of applications in other fields. As air pollution being a
major environmental change that causes many hazardous effects on human beings that need to be controlled. Hence, we deployed WSN nodes for constant monitoring of the air pollution around the city and the moving public transport buses and cars. This methodology gave us the monitoring data from the stationary nodes deployed in the city to the mobile nodes on Public Transport
buses and cars. The data of the air pollution particles such as gases, smoke and other pollutants is collected via sensors on the Public transport buses and the data is being analyzed when the buses and cars reach back to the source destination after passing through the stationary nodes around the city. Our proposed architecture having innovative mesh network will be more efficient
way of gathering data from the nodes of WSN. It will have lots of benefits with respect to the future concept of Smart Cities that will have the new technologies related to Internet of Things.
1. Introduction
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of small autonomous nodes that have the benefits of being small, efficient relatively low in price. Sensor networks have major application of real-time monitoring. Latterly, the progress on sensing, processing and communication technologies have reduced the cost of sensors, made them smaller in size and power efficient. However, the system performances of WSNs are still......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——智能环境监测系统采用无线传感器网络对无污染智能城市的车辆文献翻译!