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[关键词:智能交通系统,交通效率]  [热度 ]


通信工程文献翻译——摘要 - 交通效率和安全是智能交通系统(ITS)的主要标志。为了准确验证和调查交通效率和安全应用ITS的有效性,高度要求现实的研究[1]。在本文中,我们使用现实交通和仿真数据,开发了一个现实的ITS测试台和称为事件警告应用程序(IWA)的移动应用程序,以回答以下问题:什么是流量效率和安全效益在现实的ITS环境中的车对基础设施(V2I)通信? 2012年8月8日至2012年9月27日,我们的现实数据集包括马里兰州(MD)/华盛顿特区和弗吉尼亚州(VA)地区的六周公路交通数据。我们的评估数据显示,运行IWA应用程序的车辆显示出改进几乎所有评估的绩效指标。具体来说,我们的数据显示,通过V2I通信可以实现旅行时间(139.89%),燃料消耗(11.77%)和环境排放 - 二氧化碳(CO2)(11.77%)等的改善。

关键词:智能交通系统; 车辆自组织网络; 车对车通信; 车对基础设施交流; 安全; 交通效率



Abstract—Traffic efficiency and safety are major hallmarks of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). To accurately validate and investigate the effectiveness of traffic efficiency and safety application of ITSs, realistic studies are highly demanded [1]. In this paper, using realworld traffic and simulation data, we developed a realistic ITS test bed and a mobile application known as the Incident Warning Application (IWA) with the view of answering the following question: what is the traffic efficiency and safety benefits of Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications in a realistic ITS environment? Our real-world dataset consists of six weeks road traffic data of the Maryland (MD)/Washington DC and Virginia (VA) areas from August 8th, 2012 to September 27th, 2012. Our evaluation data shows that vehicles running our IWA application show improvements in almost all of the performance metrics evaluated. Specifically, our data shows that improvements in travel time (139.89%), fuel consumption (11.77%), and environmental emissions –carbon dioxide [CO2] (11.77%), etc. can be achieved......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——智能交通系统安全和交通效率实验评估文献翻译!