[关键词:无线传感器网络,船舶] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0247,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

关键词:普及. 船只. 无线传感器网络. ZigBee. 监控
船舶在海中航行的过程中,会遇到各种各样的航海环境。在运行过程中,根据船只型号的不同目标,会有不同的需求。一只商船运输各种各样的货物,如容器、原油、天然气等等,这些货物需要在给定的时间内运送到目的地,因此运行过程中就需要考虑安全性、便利性。战舰应该有流动性和所必须的能力来完成它的运输使命。更重要的是,因为一个待在海上的船舶大部分时间都在运行,必须要考虑工作人员和乘客的安全性和便利性。大量的船舶管理技术意在增加船只的运行效率和安全性,这也是相关工作人员的调研目的之所在。欧盟的一些拥有许多研究机构的社区,例如挪威海洋技术研究所已经开发出智能系统,来减少船结构被破坏以及货物受到损失的风险,同时也提高了乘客的的安全性和舒适性。[1]Nguyen 和 Nelson[2] 讨论了收集集成数据的方法和船舶机械设备的组装条件以及船舶设备运行状况的分析。尼尔森等人详细描述了航海管理方面的相关概念。最近,查等人汇报了无线传感器网络技术在船舶上的应用以及相关基础性......
Abstract In this study, basic experiments regarding the wireless sensor network were conducted on a 3,000-tonclass training ship as the first step in applying the ubiquitous technology to a real ship. Various application fields of the technology in terms of the provision of safety and convenience on a ship were identified through these experiments. To efficiently adopt the ubiquitous technology for ship application, it is necessary to identify the state-of-the-art ubiquitous technology and to prepare countermeasures against the harsh environment of a ship.
The characteristics of the wireless sensor network were investigated on a test bed ashore as well as on a real ship before full-scale ship application. In particular, experimental results concerning communication depth, data transmission ratio, and battery consumption in a sensor node are described in detail.
Keywords Ubiquitous Ship Wireless sensor network Zigbee Monitoring
1 Introduction
Ships generally sail on the seas, far from land, and encounter various sea conditions. During operation, a ship has different......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——无线传感器网络在船舶上的应用文献翻译!