[关键词:阈下信道,签名方案] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0254,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

通信工程文献翻译——摘要 — 在加密协议下的阈下信道就像一个认证系统或签名模式提供一个从发送机到授权接收机和不能被任何一个未经授权的接收机读取的的辅助信道。在这篇文章里,我们首先表明Hess的在SAC'02下的基于身份的签名方案可以提供宽带和窄带阈下信道的数字签名。然后,评估在Jan_Tseng 基于ICPP'99阈下信道的签名方案和表明任何用户都可以改变这个签名,就像阈下信息接收机得不到正确的阈下信息,但是签名验证仍然是对的。
Abstract— The subliminal channel in a cryptographic protocol such as an authentication system or a signature scheme provides an additional channel from the sender to an authorized receiver and can’t be read by any unauthorized receiver. In this paper, we firstly show that Hess’s ID-Based signature scheme in SAC’02 can provide digital signature with the broadband and narrowband subliminal channels.Secondly, we evaluate Jan-Tseng signature schemes with subliminal channel in ICPP’99 and show that any user can change the signature, such that the subliminal message receiver cannot get the subliminal message correctly, but the verification of signature is still right.
Keywords: ID-based signature, Subliminal channel, Bilinear pairings, Cryptanalysis.
1 Introduction
A subliminal channel is a covert communication channel to send a message to an authorized receiver. This message cannot be discovered by any unauthorized receiver. In [13], Simmons invented the concept of subliminal channel in conventional digital signature schemes.
The subliminal message is hidden in what looks like a normal digital signature and only authorized receiver can read it. The subliminal channel in a digital signature has several applications [17]. For example, a credit card provider can hide the card holder’s credit history and credit limit in a digital signature for an issued credit card.
In 1985, Simmons [14] showed that in any digital......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——研究阈下信道的签名方案介绍文献翻译!