[关键词:阈下信道,匿名签名方案] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0265,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

群签名是一个相对较新的概念,由Chaum和van Heijst [1]在1991年引入。一组签名方案允许组成员代表组匿名地签署消息,使得每个身体都可以验证签名,但是没有人可以找出哪个组成员产生它。但是,如果发生争议,集团中心可以透露签名的发起人的身份。但是在某些情况下,组中心不希望跟踪签名人的身份,验证者只想知道签名是否来自该组。例如,Bob是Lower Kryptonia内阁的成员,Bob希望向记者透露一个关于总理的逃避事件的有趣事实,使Bob保持匿名,但让记者确信泄漏确实来自内阁成员。
Absiruct-In the conventional group signature scheme, the group manager can identify the actual identity of the signer. But in some cases, this is not desired. in this paper, we propose a group-oriented anonymous signature scheme, which is unconditionally anonymous, namely, any group member can sign anonymously on behalf of the group, and no one (including the group center) can trace the actual identity of the signer. At the same time, any group member can send subliminal message to the authenticated receiver on behalf of the group. Comparing with the Ring signature and l-out-of-n signature which can also realize unconditional signer-anonymity, our scheme has the following advantages: the size of signature and public key is independent of the group’s number.
Index TermsXryptography, Digital signature, Cryptoanalysis subliminal channel
In many multi-user cryptographic applications, anonymity is required to ensure that information about the user is not revealed. Typical examples are electronic voting [ 15,161, digital lotteries [17,18], and e-cash applications [7]. In these applications, releasing private information is highly undesirable and may result in a large financial loss.
Group signature is a relatively new concept introduced by Chaum and van Heijst 11 J in 199 I. A group signature scheme allows a group member to sign messages anonymously on behalf of the group such that every body can verify the......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——一种基于阈下信道的面向组织的匿名签名方案文献翻译!