[关键词:精密步进电机,控制器] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0202,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

1 介绍
The objective of this paper is to develop a precision stepper motor controller capable of both independent and synchronized control of multiple number of stepper motors. The controller is built
around a 16-bit microprocessor to provide fast and reliable control operations. In addition, microstepping techniques are used to achieve high resolution electronically and to suppress mechanical resonance. The controller also includes six input/output ports. Such controllers have wide applications in manufacturing industry.
For instance, it can be used to control a robot having up to six degrees of freedom. The controller has been tested with a simultaneous control (synchronous) of six stepper motors for a precision trajectory control applications.
Conventional stepper motor drives allow the motors to be driven in either the full step mode or half step mode. The performance of such drive systems are usually limited by the mechanical resonance of the stepper motor. Microstepping drive systems overcome this problem by proper control of current in each phase [l. 61. Such drives improve the resolution of the motors by a factor equal to the
number of sub-steps in a full step. For instance, a 200 steps per revolution motor turns into a 2.000 steps per revolution has a improved resolution by a factor of 10. The positional accuracy is also improved as a result of improved resolution [5. 6. 71. Although the open loop control normally produces satisfactory performance as far as position accuracy is concerned. some problems may arise if the motor is operating under high load and high acceleration condition. The motor may lose steps or overshoot. These conditions can be overcome with the use of closed loop control [2. 3. 61. In close loop control. the generation of the pulse train is identical to the open loop system [SI. The only difference is that the output of an optical encoder is used to decrement the step
counter. This paper presents a closed loop microstepping stepper motor controller which overcomes the problem fo instability and at the same time provides for high accuracy. This technique improves electronically the resolution of stepper motors and suppresses oscillations. Another key feature is the capability of the controller to control multiple number of stepper motors for simultaneous operations (indpendent andlor......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——精密步进电机控制器在机器人中的应用文献翻译!