[关键词:混沌噪声,反向传播算法] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0203,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

通信工程文献翻译——摘要 - 多年来,已经报道了反向传播学习算法的许多改进和修改。 在本研究中,我们通过将混沌噪声添加到权重更新过程中,提出了一种新的修改反向传播学习算法。 通过计算机模拟,我们确定所提出的算法可以提供更好的收敛速度,并且可以在早期时间找到与常规反向传播算法相比较好的解决方案。 重量更新位置,噪声振幅和混沌控制参数可以大大提高反向传播学习性能。
在人造神经网络领域,反向传播(BP)学习算法在许多工程应用中尤其在模式识别,信号处理和系统控制方面被证明是有效的。 BP学习使用由输入层,单层或更多隐藏层和输出层组成的前馈神经网络来运行。 虽然BP学习是神经网络的重要研究领域,但也被称为收敛速度非常差的算法。 已经对算法进行了许多尝试,以提高收敛速度和学习效率的性能。
在标准的反向传播学习算法中,输出神经元的误差在训练过程中通过网络进行反馈。 [4]引入了标准学习算法。输出神经元的错误信号可以通过目标输出与实际输出之间的差异来定义。然而,在本研究中,我们使用批量BP学习算法。批量BP学习算法由类似于标准BP学习算法的公式表示,但差异在于权重更新的时序。在每个单个输入数据之后执行标准BP的权重更新,而对于批量BP,在所有输入数据被处理之后执行权重更新。网络的总误差E定义如下:Pp1N年份。有很多有关好的报道E =ΣEp =Σ{(tpi-opi)2},(1)Hopfield神经网络在混沌时的表现
P = 1P = 1I = 1输入神经元作为噪声[1],[2]。通过计算机模拟,已经确定混沌噪声有效地解决二次??分配问题,并获得更好的性能来排除局部最小值而不是随机噪声。作者[3]也提出了具有Sigmoid函数的混沌振荡梯度的前馈神经网络,证......
Abstract—Over the years, many improvements and modi?cations of the backpropagation learning al- gorithm have been reported. In this study, we pro- pose a new modi?ed backpropagation learning algo- rithm by adding the chaotic noise into weight update process. By computer simulations, we con?rm that the proposed algorithm can gives a better convergence rate and can ?nd a good solution in early time com- pared to the conventional backpropagation algorithm. Weight update position, noise amplitude and control parameter of chaos can give a big e?ect on the back- propagation learning performance.
In the area of arti?cial neural networks, the back- propagation (BP) learning algorithm has proved to be ecient in many engineering applications especially in pattern recognition, signal processing and system con- trol. The BP learning operates with a feedforward neural network which consists of an input layer, a sin- gle or more of hidden layer and an output layer. Al- though the BP learning has been a signi?cant research area of neural network, it also has been known as an algorithm with a very poor convergence rate. Many attempts have been made to the algorithm to improve the performance on convergence speed and learning eciency.
On the other hand, chaos has gained much attention and some applications in neural network during recent......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——具有混沌噪声特征的反向传播算法的良好学习性能文献翻译!