[关键词:分布式,无线传感器,网络协同信号] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0152,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

1 引言
Abstract— Distributed wireless sensor networks have been proposed as a solution to environment sensing, target tracking,data collection and others. These problems involve estimation or detection problems using data collected by individual sensors.
Due to the characteristics of the DWSN, it is desired to use algorithms that will allow for low-cost information communication and fusion. Some of the recent approaches to these problems are detailed in this paper. There is a heavy focus on distributed estimation and optimization algorithms that feature lower power consumption and communication requirements than the standard centralized architecture.
Recent advances in VLSI and communication technology have promoted the deployment of distributed wireless sensor networks (DWSN) for environment sensing, target tracking,data collection and other applications. These networks are composed generally by small, low-power devices that integrate micro-sensing and actuation with on-board processing and wireless communication capabilities. Unlike previous architectures for sensor networks, DWSNs allow for distributed sensing and signal processing [1]. These qualities of a DWSN are desirable since the sensors are battery-powered and have limited wireless communication bandwidth. Therefore,it is reasonable to shift the energy consumption in sensors from a communications-dominating scheme to a sensing and computation-dominating scheme.In a normal DWSN architecture, the system may perform estimation, detection, classification localization and tracking tasks, depending on the problem the DWSN is applied to.
These tasks will operate individually on each sensor by using signals recorded locally. Sensors will locally process the data to reduce its dimensionality and then tranmit the data to a processing center, where further processing may be done. The center may also fuse the data from the individual nodes to arrive at a single data value for the whole network. For some of the tasks, decisions are made from the collected data, and the nodes may send individual decisions (hard decisions) or their......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——分布式无线传感器网络协同信号处理文献翻译!