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[关键词:时间传输,分布式,无线局域网]  [热度 ]



关键字:无线局域网;分布式 ;时间传输最大化 ;吞吐量;延迟 ;公平;模型分析




核心的贡献,本文提出一种新型MAC方案,名叫MTT,它是CSMA / CA基础网络系统。该方案让每个站得到传播一阵数据包的传输机会,而不是成为一个缺陷的生产标......

Abstract. Distributed contention-based Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols are the fundamental components for IEEE 802.11 type Wireless LANs (WLAN). The deficiency of these types of MAC protocols mainly comes from the idle slots used to contend the channel and from the transmission collisions due to the same backoff slot value being generated. Assigning the same transmission opportunity to various length packets also degrades the system performance. This study takes account of the above issues and presents a new MAC scheme called Maximizing Transmission Time (MTT) to enhance the wireless LAN performance. This scheme allows each station to transmit a burst of packets after winning a transmission opportunity instead of just one packet. This idea can reduce the average number of waiting slots and collision probability in each transmission cycle. Moreover, in order to ensure fairness among stations, a maximum transmission period is assigned to each station for controlling the length of the bursty transmission. An analytical performance model is derived for computing the throughput of the MTT scheme. The extensive simulation experiments reveal that the proposed method can enhance the wireless LANs performance significantly with high throughput, low delay and high degree of fairness.

Keywords: WLAN, distributed MAC, maximizing transmission time, throughput, delay, fairness, analytical modeling

1. Introduction

In WLAN, the MAC protocol is the main element that determines the efficiency in sharing the limited communication bandwidth of the wireless channel [7]. Different access methods have been proposed to control the multiple users’ access to the shared medium. Examples are FDMA, TDMA,CDMA, ALOHA and their combinations and variations [3].

One of the most popular approach is the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) protocol. It is adopted by the IEEE standards organization as the underlying protocol for the widely deployed IEEE 802.11 type WLAN[7].

In general, there are two broad categories of multiple access control protocols: contention-based multiple access protocols and reservation-based multiple access protocols [2].

Contention-based multiple access protocols are usually used in distributed network architectures (i.e. ad hoc networks). Its......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——基于分布式MAC的无线局域网性能改进方案文献翻译!