[关键词:双波段,FL结构,RFID] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0135,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

通信工程文献翻译——摘要—在本文中,我们引入了一个新的天线拓扑结构的RFID标签,可以同时实施,以支持欧洲的UHF频段(866MHz - 868MHz), UHF频段北美(902MHz - 928MHz),以及微波频段的ISM(2.4GHz—2.45GHz)。这里提出的天线由倒F平面和一个寄生倒L型组成的,这两者形成一种小型,简单和具有成本效益的架构,特别为如长85mm和宽为54mm的信用卡量身定做的标准标签尺寸。该天线是由聚乙烯基材,底层为( r = 2.35,tan= 0.002 )制作,提供回波损耗小于- 10分贝的所有感兴趣的频段。此外,研究在本文中也提到了阻抗特性和辐射模式,揭示了良好的阻抗的一致性和对所有有关频段的全向远场模式。
射频识别(RFID)已经成为一种热门研究课题,在通信行业中显现出了很大的兴趣在这个领域中,例如,自动识别,物体的位置,人员跟踪,供应链管理和安全访问控制区等。按照说明书中,RFID系统将在各种频率段下工作,指的是低频段(125 kHz)时, 高频段(13.56MHz),超高频段(866MHz,910MHz),以及微波波段(2.45GHz, 5,8GHz)此外,世界上不同的国家倾向于采用不同的频率,使得无源标签在这样的应用程序逻辑中成为一个难题,这是毫无疑问的。因此,强烈需要对RFID标签是具有足够的灵活性,以允许有效性在该方案中的库存管理,互操作性和变化适应实际情况。双频,甚至多个频段的RFID标签,从今以后,成为主流的选择在处理重大问题方面。
在RFID天线传播的双波段和多波段频率中,许多以前的工作已经完成,在那里你可以找到一个双频段PIFA加上六轮高频线圈已经在在努力消除HF ( 13.56MHz),超高频欧洲(866MHz - 868MHz)和北美 (902MHz - 928MHz)三带之间的间隙的影响。双凹槽,弯曲线和偶极子耦合已被最常用的技术手段来实现扩频 ,以及在最近的分形偶极子在双频RFID标签中的有效应用[ 3 ]。
对于RFID标签天线,阻抗匹配是一个很大的挑战。在无源RFID系统,后向散射是一种严格要求天线的阻抗对IC芯片的匹配的一种常用方法。由于成本和工艺问题,它通常不允许增加集总元件来匹配外部网络。因此,需要天线直接匹配到IC芯片,这确实是一个困难的工作,因为IC芯片的阻抗特性随着频率的变化的。对于双频带和多个频带的情况下,如果天线的阻抗假设在整个频带是一致的,可以实现更容易,更好地匹配到目标集成电路,一个不复杂的设计是可以实现的[10] 。
Abstract in this paper, we introduced a new antennatopology for RFID tag that could be implemented simultaneously to support the UHF band of Europe (866MHz-868MHz), the UHF band of North America (902MHz-928MHz), and the microwave band for ISM (2.4GHz to 2.45GHz). The antenna proposed herein was composed of a planar inverted-F and a parasitic inverted-L, both of which formed a small, simple and cost effective architecture which was especially tailored for the standard tag size as a credit card with of 85mm in length and 54mm in width. The antenna was fabricated on the polyethylene substrate (r=2.35,tan =0.002), providing the return loss less than -10dB over all bands of interest. Besides, study in this paper also referred to the impedance characteristics and the radiation patterns, revealing good impedance consistency and Omni-directional far field patterns over all the concerned frequency bands.
Radio frequency identification (RFID) has become a hot research topic, the corresponding industries have dedicated much interest in such areas as, for example, automatic identification, objects location, people tracking, supply chain management, and security access to controlled areas, etc [RFID system would be operated in avariety of frequency segments, referring to the LF band (125 kHz), the HF band (13.56MHz), the UHF band (866MHz, 910MHz), and the band of microwave (2.45 GHz, 5.8GHz) [2]. Moreover, different countries in the world incline to adopt different frequency, which is, no doubt, a difficulty for the passive tag in such application as the logistic across different countries. Therefore, it is highly required for RFID tags to be possessed of enough flexibility to allow for the effectiveness in the scenarios as the inventory management, the interoperability and the change adaptive to real situations. Dual-band, or even multiple band RFID tags, henceforth, become the predominate choice for this troubleshooting. Upon RFID antenna borne with dual-band and multiple-band frequencies, many previous work have been accomplished, where you can find a dual-band PIFA plus a six rounds HF coil had been investigated in effort to bridge the gap among the triple bands of HF (13.56MHz), UHF Europe (866MHz-868MHz) and N. America .(902MHz-928MHz) [3]; A slot with binocular, meander stub
and dipole slot coupling is having been the most frequently used technical method to achieve the extension of the band of operation [4-6]; A fractal micro-strip [7] as well as fractal dipole in recent ......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——采用双波段平面倒FL结构的RFID标签天线文献翻译!