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[关键词:RFID,阵列天线]  [热度 ]



射频识别(RFID)技术,最近比较热门,在各种应用中的注意事项,如货物的跟踪,供应链管理和零售库的应用。相比于条码,RFID自动的无线数据接入系统可以减少资源,对于那些应用成本和人力。为了解决各种要求更好的识别性能,许多种类的RFID系统迅速出现。低频(LF,125-134千赫)、高频(HF,13.56 MHz)的RFID系统与感应短程应用通过标签和读写器天线间的耦合磁场。超高频(UHF,860-960兆赫和2.4 GHz)的RFID系统可以更好地提供远程利用电磁波耦合的检测标签和读写器天线之间的。然而,一些UHF RFID的近距离通信(NFC)系统读取多个标签已经成为一个很有前途的解决方案的项目水平标注,如销售点(POS)和智能书架。然而,传统的阅读器天线用于远场读书不可在近场区执行。

此外,紧密堆积或排列在一起的标签,标签的性能会下降显着由于严重的相互耦合,其中。不同的电感耦合的磁领域,和读者之间的电容耦合标签天线需要较强的电领域获得更好的近读。4×4阵列配置研究聚焦辐射光束在近场区的一个小地方。然而,较低的聚焦性能的阵列设计预计,由于较高的电介质和导体损失。这是因为复杂的馈电网络和阵列元素中使用的阵列结构。同时,这些设计太大,在近区有较强的电域。一个这些问题可能的解决方案是建立一个数组天线系统,利用一个简单的馈电网络数组元素少。因此,可以减少损失和在近区电场强度可提高这样的阵列设计。在本文中,我们提出了一个新的圆形贴片阵列天线在2.4 GHz的增强电场的操作在近场区的分布。所提出的设计利用六阵元和一个简单的实现微带馈电网络。类似的介质透镜,与这些元素的合适的输入阶段和进料位置,这个阵列可以具有良好的聚焦特性增加的电场强度附近及以上的阵列阅读数密切相关,如标签与偶极子电容耦合。这项工作是由阳光照射的部分和支持系统技术公司格兰特NSC 97-2221-e-011-024 ROC国家科学委员会。


所提出的圆形贴片阵列天线的几何详细的设计参数,如图1所示,它占据的体积为218(L)×166(W)3.5(H)mm3×。这阵天线具有双层结构,包括2×3在顶层圆形贴片和微带馈电在底层网络。在我们的设计中,这些循环在一个120密耳制作补丁,在2.4 GHz的共振厚阿尔隆870基板的介电常数εR和损耗角正切tanδ分别等于2.33和0.0013降低衬底损耗。各斑块的直径约为等于半导波在2.4 GHz的。同时,不同的从传统的阵列的设计,两排的元素已经在吃到如图所示1(a)进一步提高近场电场强度利用阵列天线区。此外,阵列天线的馈电网络设计为数组元素的合适的输入阶段改进的电场强度和分布最适合的位置在10厘米的右上方这个数组近场阅读教学中的应用。20密耳厚的材料870衬底被用来构建馈电网络,每个单元是由50Ω微带线与0.4毫米的孔。如图1(b),在地面上的飞机顶部和底部的层被连接到对方,然后成为一个单一的接地平面。聚焦电场近场区,中间的两个元素有一个阶段延迟相对的相邻的四个元素。这个结构数组,该数组天线能够阅读标签接近电场集中利用电容耦合阅读器天线。一种电磁HFSS软件包,已被用来模拟分析电气特性和近场分布该阵列天线。设计参数的优化对于数组已在表一列出。





Radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies  have recently earned a lot of attentions in various applications,such as tracking goods, supply chain managements and retail store applications. Compared to the barcode system, the RFID system with automatic wireless data access can reduce the resource, cost and manpower for those applications. To tackle various requirements with better identification performance,many kinds of RFID systems rapidly arise. Low frequency (LF,125-134 KHz) and high frequency (HF, 13.56 MHz) RFID systems are for short-range applications with inductive coupling between the reader and the tag antennas through the

magnetic field. Ultra-high frequency (UHF, 860-960 MHz and 2.4 GHz) RFID system may better provide long-range detections by employing electromagnetic wave coupling between the reader and the tag antennas. However, a number of UHF RFID near-field communication (NFC) systems for reading multi-tags have become a promising solution to item level tagging, such as point of sale (POS) and intelligent shelf. Nevertheless, conventional reader antennas used for farfield reading may not perform well in the near-field region.Besides, for tags closely stacked or lined up together, the performance of the tags will be degraded significantly due to severe mutual coupling among them . Different from the inductive coupling using the magnetic fields , the capacitive coupling between the reader and tag antennas requires stronger electric fields to obtain better near-field reading. A 4×4 array configuration was studied to focus the radiating beam to a small spot in the near-field zone . However, lower focusing performance for those array designs is expected due to higher dielectric and conductor losses. This is because complicated feeding network and array elements are utilized in the array structure. Also, those designs are too large to have strong electric fields in the near zone. A potential solution to those problems is to develop an array antenna system which utilizes a simpler feeding network with fewer array elements. Thus, the loss can be reduced and the electric field intensity in the near zone may be enhanced with such array design.In this paper, we propose a novel circular patch array antenna operating at 2.4 GHz for enhancing the electric field distribution in the near-field zone. The proposed design is simply .......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——RFID技术近场聚焦的圆形贴片设计阵列天线工作在2.4GHz的应用文献翻译!