[关键词:并行,CRC] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0134,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

关键词—并行CRC,LFSR,错误检测,VLSI, FPGA, VHDL,数字逻辑。
本文的结构如下:第2章介绍了CRC的关键要素。 在第3章中,我们总结了以前的并行CRC的研究结果来提供适当的背景。在第4章中,我们得出逻辑方程并呈现并联电路。 此外,我们通过一些例子来说明性能。 最后,在第5章中,我们通过将它们与以前的研究进行比较来评估我们的结果。 实现的代码在附录中。
2. 循环冗余校验
如引言中所述,CRC是最强大的错误检测码之一。简言之,CRC可以描述如下:假设发射机T向接收机R发送k个比特的序列S1。同时,T产生m位的另一序列S2,以允许接收机检测可能的错误。序列S2通常被称为帧校验序列(FCS)。它是通过考虑以下事实产生的:通过S1和S2的级联获得的完整序列S = S1 [S2,具有可由某个预定序列P(fp0)整除(遵循特定算术)的性质;{p0,p1,...pm}, m + 1比特。在T将S发送到R之后,R在消息之后使用相同的特定算术将S(即,消息和FCS)除以P. 如果没有余数,R假定没有错误。 该机制如何工作如图1所示。
Abstract—This paper presents a theoretical result in the context of realizing high-speed hardware for parallel CRC checksums. Starting from the serial implementation widely reported in the literature, we have identified a recursive formula from which our parallel implementation is derived. In comparison with previous works, the new scheme is faster and more compact and is independent of the technology used in its realization. In our solution, the number of bits processed in parallel can be different from the degree of the polynomial generator. Last, we have also developed high-level parametric codes that are capable of generating the circuits autonomously when only the polyonomial is given.
Index Terms —Parallel CRC, LFSR, error-detection, VLSI, FPGA, VHDL, digital logic.
CYCLIC Redundancy Check (CRC) [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] is widely used in data communications and storage devices as a powerful method for dealing with data errors. It is also applied to many other fields such as the testing of integrated circuits and the detection of logical faults [6]. One of the more established hardware solutions for CRC calculation is the Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR), consisting of a few flip-flops (FFs) and logic gates. This simple architecture processes bits serially. In some situations, such as high-speed data communications, the speed of this serial implementation is absolutely inadequate. In these cases, a parallel computation of the CRC, where successive units of w bits are handled simultaneously, is necessary or desirable.
Like any other combinatorial circuit, parallel CRC hardware could be synthetized with only two levels of gates. This is defined by laws governing digital logic. Unfortunately, this implies a huge number of gates. Furthermore, the minimization of the number of gates is an NP-hard optimization problem. Therefore, when com- plex circuits must be realized, one generally uses heuristics or seeks customized solutions.......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——并行CRC实现介绍文献翻译!