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[关键词:地理信息系统]  [热度 ]





1 GIS在农业上的应用 


1.1 GIS在精确农业中的应用 


Abstract:The Geographic Information System (GIS) began in mid 1960s, but started late in our country. This paper introduces the basic concept, function - and the composition of GIS, then describes GIS’s application in precision agriculture, evaluation of plowland fertility, pest management and assessment of agricultural water resources management. Finally, it expounds the existing problems of GIS and the countermeasures to those problems.  

Key words: GIS;Precision Agriculture;plowland fertility;pest control;management of agricultural water resources

With the economic development and social progress, the development of agricultural technology has been an unprecedented increase. Agricultural production and many technical applications to the conservation of water resources and fertility of resources, and land to recuperate betterAnd so on. This paper describes a geographic information system (GIS) information, and application of GIS in various aspects of agricultural production made specifically addressed. This is a research focus on international, and achieved good results in practical applications, not only the farmers' income effect significant, but also reduce the more artificial process, thereby reducing the input of many human and financial resources. Domestic research is hot, but very little practical application in agricultural production. It can be said that the application of GIS in agricultural production is the future direction of development, this article elaborates on the joint application and the related Notes and problems solution.

1 The Application of GIS on Agriculture

The needs of the community to promote social development and progress. Nuoji Er Tomlin Johnson Dr. found the map there are some drawbacks, a novel idea in 1960, put the map into a digital form of maps, to facilitate computer storage, processing and analysis, when few can see the computer in this new field of prospects, it is tempting thought led to the birth of a geographic information system, lit the prairie fire of a geographic information system booming. After 30 years of development, GIS has......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——地理信息系统在农业上的应用文献翻译!