[关键词:海岸线,管理模式] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0085,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

《中华人民共和国海域使用管理法》确立的海域权属管理制度和《中华人民共和国土地管理法》确立的土地权属管理制度形成了我国主权领域权属管理的基本制度, 从地理范围上两法以海岸线为界, 共同覆盖了我国整个主权领域, 但是在现实世界中, 由于自然因素的影响和人为活动的干扰,这条线究竟如何划定, 操作起来比较难。海岸线的难以确定, 导致沿海地区各管理部门对界线认识上产生差异, 造成海陆管理权限不清或重叠, 致使利益冲突的产生。因此, 国家对海岸线的确定工作非常重视, 2002年国务院下发了《国务院办公厅关于开展勘定省县两级海域行政区域界线工作有关问题的通知》, 通知明确了海岸线修测是全国省、县两级海域勘界的基础性工作。
海岸线确定工作是合理划定海岸线, 明确海陆管理分界线的一项重要的基础性和技术性工作。目前, 我国在海岸线的确定上, 尚未成形的技术方法、理论体系和参考模式, 国家和地方海洋行政主管部门对海岸线的确定工作非常重视,先后开展了海岸线确定的模式研究和试验。
2.1 实地测量
根据实际情况, 对各种类型的海岸线位置进行辨别和确定, 并利用GPS 技术进行实地测量。实地测量的优点是数据准确, 与实际现场情况更好的一致, 缺点是实地测量需要投入大量的人力和物力。
2.2 遥感信息提取
海岸线遥感信息提取是指利用图像处理软件、GIS 软件和多星种、多空间分辨率的卫星遥感影像, 根据海岸地物光谱特征, 利用计算机对卫星遥感成像数据进行分析处理, 最终获得海岸信息。遥感信息提取海岸线的优点是可以快速、准同步地进行海岸线的测绘, 其信息处理速度较快, 缺点是高分辨率遥感资料的投入经费较大,遥感资料获取时受到.....
1 Introduction
The Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of the Use of Sea Areas and the
Law of Land Administration of the People’s Republic of China form the basic system of management ownership in our country sovereignty domain. From the geographical scope, the two laws take the coastline as a dividing line. Together they cover the whole sovereignty area of China. But in the real world,due to the effects of natural factors and the human activities’ interference, it is difficult to demarcate the coastline.
The difficulty of determination of the coastline leads to the different understanding of the coastline, which results in the unclear management of land and sea authority and triggers the conflict of interest. Thus, our country pays much attention to the job of demarcation of the coastline. In 2002, the Office of the State Department issued “The Circular of the Office of the State Department on Certain Issues Regarding Developing the Provincial and Country Level Sea Area Administrative Boundary Survey”. The Circular makes it clear that the coastline demarcation is the basic job of provincial and country level sea area administration boundary survey.
2 Patterns of coastline demarcation
The coastline demarcation is an important foundation and technical work to demarcate the coastline and identify the land and sea management boundaries. At present, the technical methods, theory systems and reference models concerning the coastline demarcation have not been formed yet. National and local administrative departments in charge of marine administration pay much attention to the coastline demarcation, and have launched the researches and pilot projects of the coastline demarcation......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——海岸线确定和管理模式研究文献翻译!