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[关键词:地理信息系统]  [热度 ]






GIS的始于对地图的独特使用。过去地图仅仅用来显示地理边界和特征。有一个著名的例外是1854年John Snow制作的伦敦地图。他猜测霍乱的爆发与水系有关。为了进行调查,他在一张图上绘制了伦敦水系的平面图以及标注了死于霍乱的人的位置。这张图揭示了水系和霍乱的可能联系,这一思想与那时的主流相悖。最终,人们在Snow的图上追踪的到霍乱爆发于一个受污染的水泵。

另外一个著名的例子是Charles Joseph Minard的“在拿破仑对俄行动中丢失的法国军队”。这张1869年的地图将拿破仑军队描述为一个沙洲,并在上面注明了他们进入和退出俄国的位置。行动开始时就像一个沿着波兰和俄国边界的宽广沙洲。当军队向俄国前进时,“沙洲”缩小了;等到军队返回波兰时,“沙洲”细得只有笔的笔画那么宽了。它生动的描述了拿破仑军队的丢失。




Geographic Information Systems integrate computer hardware, software, and trained personnel to link resource data that are geographically referenced (NASA’s define). Computer allows one to access or display data spatially, locate points, lines or areas geographically, associate data with them, and allows retrievals and calculations to be made based upon geographic locations. They store where’s and what’s, coordinates and associated attributes. A GIS staff (trained personnel) is organised to take care of maintaining the system, guiding and controlling input of data, and supporting users during the project period.

The U.S. Geological Survey offers a frequently cited definition of GIS: “A computer system capable of capturing, storing, analyzing, and displaying geographically referenced information; that is, data identified according to location. Practitioners also define a GIS as including the procedures, operating personnel, and spatial data that go into the system.” GIS allows any data with a geographic component (city, ZIP Code, country, etc.) to be displayed on a map.

Much of the power of GIS lies in its ability to layer information and data. Data that mean little in table format can make a strong visual impact as a map. For instance, a table of rainfall amounts in major Virginia cities may not be as effective as a map of Virginia displaying the cities and their rainfall amounts. GIS takes this idea a step further: it enables sets of data from a database to be displayed together on demand, even in unusual combinations, and therefore can reveal patterns that otherwise would be difficult to......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——地理信息系统的研究文献翻译!