[关键词:地下停车场,规划设计] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0087,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

With the city's rapidly increasing vehicle population, vehicles parked in supply and demand is very prominent, and has become one of the core issues of urban traffic. Relatively slow due to the city parking building and parking plan is unreasonable, resulting in a city parking difficult problem. In reference to domestic and international research papers based on analysis of the characteristics of urban parking, summarizes and analyzes the application of parking demand conditions and forecast model advantages and disadvantages of different types of land proposed model under the berth. Topic of the paper is the parking plan and traffic impact studies, parking plans during the study, planning and design of the main starting from the parking lot, the car park is divided into indoor and outdoor car park and transfer three, respectively, for each type of parking different planning and design field was the focus of research, put forward their own point of view; in the parking lot traffic impact study, the paper focus on the parking location, entrance and parking lot entrances and exits designed to share the proportion of traffic, the establishment of parking lot at the entrances to the weight of traffic sharing model, the car park added to the induced traffic volume the same route network, by comparing the level of service overlay network before and after the change of the same route to study the parking lot of the impact of dynamic traffic. The surge in vehicle ownership in urban traffic problems exacerbated, by adjusting the parking of that city residents can influence the choice of travel mode and buy private cars, to ease urban traffic congestion can play a positive role. Paper in a different parking fees to pay for the study, the establishment of parking pricing model that ......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——地下停车场规划设计文献翻译!