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[关键词:信号设备,感应列车]  [热度 ]


自动控制文献翻译——1 说明


2 感应列车的概念


3 应用于感应列车的ATS感应技术

3.1 ATS维护所面临的问题及技术发展背景




3.2 ATS信标的特性控制


3.3 ATS信标和Q值



1 Introduction

Reduction of maintenance cost is a large task for railroad transportation. The railroad operators are making efforts to reduce their maintenance costs through modernizing and laborsaving of maintenance. Since measurement by instruments installed along the railroad in particular and measurement of track conditions require a lot of manpower, automatic measurement by an inspection car sometimes takes place. However, inspection cars are expensive, and because they must be run on an extra schedule, there are restrictions on their running. The inspection cars owned by the railroad operator are not sufficient. To ameliorate such a situation, we are developing a probe train [1, 2, 3]. The probe train is a commercial train that uses simple sensors to automatically measure the conditions of the track and signal facilities making up the railroad system. This article, which is based on the presentation of COMPRAIL 2006 [4], introduces the measurement functions offered by the probe train, or the measurement technology of ATS (automatic train stopping system) and track circuits, among others.

2 Concept of probe train

The probe train is a commercial train equipped with an onboard sensing system to measure various condition of the railroad. Figure 1 illustrates the structure of the on-board sensing system. The system consists of five subsystems. The vehicle motion analysis. track condition diagnosis and safety diagnosis subsystems are for collection of various maintenance data. The position detection subsystem obtains data to specify the position in which an abnormal condition exists. All the data collected by the subsystems are stored into the data collection subsystem. The technologies described below are concerned with the safety diagnosis subsystem which probe the maintenance data for signaling equipments.

3 Probe technology of ATS for probe train

3.2 Problems faced by ATS maintenance and background of technical development

 If the railroad crew should overlook a stop signal indication and miss brake handling, a safety system automatically operates the brake to protect the safety. Automatic train stopping systems (ATS) are examples of that kind of system. The ATS introduced on all JR lines and many other lines in Japan is a frequency shift ATS system. The frequency shift ATS uses an LC coil called a beacon and installed between the rails. When a train passes over the coil, the ATS receives the signal indication from the ground. Thus it is a point control ATS. If reception of information from the point control ATS becomes impossible, it is very dangerous, because it leads to a loss of function. Therefore, quality control of beacons has been taken as an important maintenance item. For the beacons, their quality control has been handled by the Q-value (quality factor) of the LCR series circuit, and their performance measurement has taken place with a fixed period on the field or from the train. The Q-value of ATS beacons placed sporadically along the railroad has to be measured one by one using a Q-meter. This method of measurement is exact indeed, but requires much time and manpower, so it has been considered one of the labor-saving problems of signal maintenance. 

On the other hand, automatic Q-value measurement also takes place using an inspection car. Since the signal reception level when a train passes over the beacon is proportional to the Q-value, the Q-value can be determined by measuring the reception level by an inspection car. However, because the reception level depends not only on.......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——针对信号设备的感应列车测量技术的发展文献翻译!