[关键词:GSM-R] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0020,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

关键字: 欧洲铁路运输管理系统; 全球铁路通信系统; 铁路信号
Abstract:Railway communication technologies undergo a revolutionary change bringing them from the analog to the digital era. The European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) replaces numerous incompatible analog radio systems, classical side-track signs and legacy in-cab signaling with an integrated comprehensive solution.
This paper presents an overview of GSM-Railways (GSM-R), which is the unified communication technology supporting ERTMS. Its shortcoming in terms of capacity and capability are discussed as a foundation for the need for further developments.
Key words: ERTMS,GSM-R,Railway signalling
1. Introduction
Communication technologies have always played a crucial role in the railway system due to its size, long distances, large number of employees and passengers and their constant mobility. For example, precise and real-time information about location of trains allows running more trains over the same track. This illustrates why efficient telecommunication is an inevitable element affecting the performance of railway transport.
The development of railways creates a continuous demand for an improved communication. For instance, a reliable voice radio communication between railway personnel has been a vital railway service for a long time. More recently, a continuous in-cab signaling also becomes essential in order to run trains at higher speeds, to increase track capacity and to improve safety by continuous supervision of train movement. Besides, common international communication standards allow running trains across country borders without interruptions. All of these elements improve railway operation, what in turn increases railway attractiveness for passengers and makes it more competitive.......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [] 征集整理——GSM-R技术及其缺点的概述文献翻译!