[关键词:安全,列控] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0019,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

1 介绍
在本文开头提出了瑞典ATC系统的概念。特别是在在70年代上机系统中由于标准无线电通信的设想和开发,以及现在拥有的电话AB和ATSS(模拟行车信号系统),Teknogram AB将做进一步开发和维护并且被审查。这个系统成功的主要原因在于安全列控系统被引用了超过20年。本文是由在ATC系统中发挥了不同作用的四个人共同编写了;这四个人分别是即作为设计者、开发商和软件的较新版本的维护员和检验器。
2 ATC作用和环境
The properties of the Automatic Train Control System that has provided a reliable and safe function in Sweden since 1980 are described. Via an engineering view of the problem domain, an architecture evolved in the mid-1970s that has been a key factor in the SNCC~SS of ATC. ATC version I functioned properly front 1980 to I993 without a single change in the software. Since 1993, ATC version 2 has continued this outstanding record and has been adapted for new markets and new requirements. In Sweden, there are approximately 1000 ATC locomotive installations of the on-board system. The operating system core has been re-utilized several times for new product versions as well as the “black box” recorder and more than 20 ATC simulators. ATC is examined from the architectural, development and maintenance as well as the verification points of view. Finally, lessons learned from ATC as well as further usage of the concepts in Sweden are reviewed.
1 Introduction
The safety of millions of train passengers is dependent upon reliable safety related equipment and functions in the entire railway system. One of the important functions is the monitoring of the behavior of train drivers; that is, assuring that they abide by speed limits, signal status and other conditions. There have been several train accidents in Europe and elsewhere during the past twenty years where the proper operation of this function would have hindered these incidents. This function, now often referred to as Automatic Train Protection (ATP), has been implemented since the late 1970s in Sweden as the Automatic Train Control (ATC) system.
In this paper, key properties of the Swedish ......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——安全列控系统在瑞典的二十年文献翻译!