[关键词:异构无线网络,垂直切换,信噪比] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0277,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

索引词--异构无线网络,自适应,垂直 切换,信噪比。
不同的QoS的考虑,垂直切换算法[1-5]利用接收信号强度(RSS)作为根本物理层切换决定指标,协助其它因素,如成本和利用。但是,对于异构无线网络垂直切换,无线局域网和WCDMA 网络的基于信噪比垂直切换(CSVH)[6]的比较已经表明,与RSS基于垂直切换比较,使用信号干扰和信噪比(SINR)为切换指标导致最终用户和系统的高吞吐量。
提供无缝的垂直切换与多属性QoS的支持,在本文中,我们提出一个MASVH算法它采用信噪比,用户需要的带宽,成本和用户流量,利用每一个无线局域网接入点(AP)和WCDMA 基站(BS)。额外的切换标准与信噪比价值在信干噪比转换不同的接入网络和最低计算成本相关。仿真结果表明,该提议MASVH在成本更低的用户流量,降低丢包率以及更高的系统吞吐量上更好。
Abstract— Vertical handoff in next generation heterogeneous wireless networks is a multi-dimensional issue. In this article we propose a Multi-dimensional Adaptive SINR based Vertical Handoff algorithm (MASVH) which uses the combined effects of SINR, user required bandwidth, user traffic cost and utilization from participating access networks to make handoff decisions for multi-attribute QoS consideration. Simulation results confirm that the new MASVH algorithm improves the system performance in terms of higher throughput and lower dropping probability, as well as reduces the user traffic cost for accessing the integrated wireless networks.
Index Terms— Heterogeneous wireless networks, adaptive, vertical handoff, SINR.
THE integration of wireless local area network (WLAN) and third generation (3G) cellular networks such as wideband-CDMA (WCDMA) system can pave the way for flexible next generation multimedia wireless networks. Vertical handoff manages mobility among different access networks which could vary in channel characteristic, network condition as well as cost to users. QoS in the integrated next generation networks is a multi-dimensional issue, which requires the vertical handoff algorithm to be multi-attribute and QoS aware, but still efficient enough to maintain the seamless operation with reasonable computation cost.
For varying QoS consideration, vertical handoff algorithms [1-5] use Received Signal Strength (RSS) as the fundamental physical layer handoff decision indicator, which assists other......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——异构无线网络基于垂直切换的多维自适应信噪比文献翻译!