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[关键词:异构无线网络,垂直切换]  [热度 ]


通信工程文献翻译——摘要———下一代无线网络将支持垂直切换机制,在这个垂直切换机制中当从一个网络切换到另一个网络的时候,用户仍然可以保持连接(例如,从IEEE 802.11b切换到CDMA lxRTT网络仍然可以保持连接,反之亦然)。尽管最近许多文献都提出了各种各样的垂直切换决定算法,但均没有对不同的指标进行性能比较。在本文中,我们将对四种垂直切换决定算法的性能进行比较,这四种垂直切换决定算法也就是MEW(乘法指数加权法),SAW(简单加权法), TOPSIS(接近理想方案的序数偏好方法),GRA(灰色关联度分析)。这四个算法都允许网络对垂直切换决定包含不同的属性(例如带宽,时延,丢包率,成本)。结果表明,MEW, SAW和TOPSIS对四个业务等级均提供了类似的性能。GRA对互动和背景业务等级提供了一个略高的带宽和较低的时延。

I. 引言


下一代无线网络将提供一种服务,这种服务允许用户在任何时候任何地方推出来自不同网络的IP(互联网协议)骨干的多媒体互联网应用程序。我们可以预见,当从一个网络切换到另一个网络时,用户很可能可以保持连接(例如,从IEEE 802.11b切换到CDMA lxRTT网络仍然可以保持连接,反之亦然)。这就是所谓的垂直切换。垂直切换不同于传统的横向切换,传统的横向切换里移动设备在同一个网络中从一个基站移动到另一个基站。

目前,符合3GPP(第三代合作伙伴计划)和3GPP2标准化团体的,有3GPP系统和无线局域网(WLANs)之间的互连需求描述的建议(参见文献[ 1 ],[ 2 ])。IEEE工作组和802.21媒体独立切换( MIH )工作组正在努力实现标准统一化,以促进IEEE 802技术和3GPP/3GPP2网络之间的垂直切换。(参见文献[ 3 ])

目前垂直切换支持上存在着一些具有挑战性的问题(参见文献[ 4 ])。垂直切换决定可能取决于每个无线接入网络的可用带宽, ISP (互联网服务提供商)所要收取的网络连接费用,电源使用要求和目前移动设备的电池状况。而且,垂直切换操作应当提供移动用户的认证,承担较低的控制开销和保持连接,以使数据包.......

Abstract- The next generation wireless networks will support the vertical handoff mechanism in which users can maintain the connections when they switch from one network to another (e.g.,from IEEE 802.11b to CDMA lxRTT network, and vice versa).Although various vertical handoff decision algorithms have been proposed in the literature recently, there is a lack of performance comparisons between different schemes. In this paper, we compare the performance between four vertical handoff decision algorithms, namely, MEW (Multiplicative Exponent Weighting),SAW (Simple Additive Weighting), TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution), and GRA (Grey Relational Analysis). All four algorithms allow different attributes (e.g., bandwidth, delay, packet loss rate, cost) to be included for vertical handoff decision. Results show that MEW, SAW, and TOPSIS provide similar performance to all four traffic classes.GRA provides a slightly higher bandwidth and lower delay for interactive and background traffic classes.


Currently, there are various wireless access networks deployed. Examples include wireless cellular networks, WLANs (Wireless Local Area Networks), and wireless PANs (Personal Area Networks). There is an emerging trend that some of the mobile devices are equipped with multiple network interface cards, which are capable of connecting to different wireless access networks. Users with multimedia-enabled wireless devices are expected to obtain both real-time services (e.g.,voice, video conferencing), and non-real time services (e.g.,Simple Message Service (SMS), Multimedia Message Service(MMS)).

The next generation wireless networks will provide a service which allows a user to launch multimedia Internet applications......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——异构无线网络垂直切换决定算法之间的比较文献翻译!