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[关键词:微循环,运输网络]  [热度 ]




城市微循环运输是人类血液循环系统中借用的拟人[1]。 在血液微循环系统中,血液从小动脉流向微循环血管,然后从微循环血管流回小静脉。类似于血液微循环,微循环可以定义为从动脉道路到分支道路微循环道路的流动,然后从分支道路流回到动脉道路。一般来说,大多数车辆在主干道上行驶,所以主干路通常在高峰时段非常拥挤。如果微循环运输网络围绕动脉道路的“堵塞点”进行设计,则既可以使车辆在主干道上行走,并将部分车辆通过微循环路支路进行分流。



The idea of microcirculation transportation was proposed to shunt heavy traffic on arterial roads through branch roads. The optimization model for designing micro-circulation transportation

network was developed to pick out branch roads as traffic-shunting channels and determine their required capacity, trying to minimize the total reconstruction expense and land occupancy subject

to saturation and reconstruction space constraints, while accounting for the route choice behaviour of network users. Since micro-circulation transportation network design problem includes both

discrete and continuous variables, a discretization method was developed to convert two groups of variables  discrete variables and continuous variables into one group of new discrete variables,

transforming the mixed network design problem into a new kind of discrete network design problem with multiple values. The genetic algorithm was proposed to solve the new discrete network design problem. Finally a numerical example demonstrated the efficiency of the model and algorithm.

1. Introduction

Urban microcirculation transportation is an impersonate noun borrowed from human blood circulation system  1 . In the blood microcirculation system, blood flows from arterioles to microcirculation vessels and then flows from the microcirculation vessels back to venules.

Similar to the blood microcirculation, traffic microcirculation can be defined as traffic flows from arterial roads to branch roads microcirculation roads and then flows from branch roads back to arterial roads. In general, most of vehicles run on the arterial roads, so arterial roads usually become very congested at peak hours. If microcirculation transportation network is designed around “jam points” of arterial roads, traffic on arterial roads can be......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——微循环运输网络设计模型文献翻译!