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[关键词:公开密钥,RSA]  [热度 ]




1. 引言


基于安全性考虑,用户A的公钥必须有一个长一点的长度,例如,成千上万位。因此用户B是不可能记住或输入用户A的公钥的。为了解决这个问题, Zimmerman在他的PGP[19](优良保密协议)上定义了一个公钥环,这个公钥环可以提供从用户身份到他或她的公钥的一个映射。如果我们知道接收者的ID或名字,这个映射一定会为获得接收者的公钥提供方便,在......

Abstract. In this paper, we propose the general procedures for generating a visible RSA public key for overcoming the drawback of people (without cryptographic background) not understanding what is meant by “public key”.Instead of generating a randomlike public key, a visible public key system allows the user to use a predefined image(e.g., picture, photo, signet, or handwriting signature) as his/her visible public key such that other users can decode the image as the receiver’s/signer’s public key directly for encrypting a message or verifying a signature.

Of course, our procedures can also be applied to a prede-fined sound and/or video to generate an audible or audiovisual public key. Two algorithms for generating visible RSA public keys based on generating RSA moduli with a predetermined portion are proposed. One is suitable for the environment where all users use a common exponent,and the other is for different exponents. The constructions are almost as efficient as the generation of RSA moduli with a predetermined portion. The quality of the resulting visible public keys is almost the same as the original image, without compromising security. Experimental results show that the size and quality of visible public keys can be accepted by human eyes for practical applications.

Keywords: RSA – Integer factorization – Certificate –Public key generation

1 Introduction

Nowadays public key cryptography has been applied to daily life to achieve privacy, authenticity, integrity, and nonrepudiation in network communication. In the use of a public key system, user A first generates his/her public/private key pairs, and user B can then encrypt a message M to A or verify a signature S signed by A on.......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——为公开密钥体系生成可见的RSA公钥文献翻译!