[关键词:物理模型,图像质量] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0235,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

很多算法在增加图像对比度的时候是可以得到的,这些算法,最著名的就是直方图均衡化,然而,这些算法是为了在场景中静止的图像设计的,这些图像的特征大体上持续在整个图像内。大气气溶胶衰减最主要的一个特征是,本地图像对比度强烈取决于距离。直方图均衡化和他的变体或许可以局部适用,但是低空间频率会有损失。这样假设似乎很合理,利用气溶胶的衰减特性知识会得到更好的结果。//调查的相当大的数量被指导为了更好的理解在大气中的图像传播,而且这导致了复杂的前向图像模型的设计//。然而,大部分的努力用于图像系统的表现的预测,为独特的气象和地理环境建立最佳的图像波长,在于估计气溶胶污染的水平,并且不在于图像处理本身上。其中之一的期望是Tajbakhsh 和Boyce工作,......
Abstract— In daylight viewing conditions, image contrast is often significantly degraded by atmospheric aerosols such as haze and fog. This paper introduces a method for reducing this degradation in situations in which the scene geometry is known. Contrast is lost because light is scattered toward the sensor by the aerosol particles and because the light reflected by the terrain is attenuated by the aerosol. This degradation is approximately characterized by a simple, physically based model with three parameters. The method involves two steps: first, an inverse problem is solved in order to recover the three model parameters; then, for each pixel, the relative contributions of scattered and reflected flux are estimated. The estimated scatter contribution is simply subtracted from the pixel value and the remainder is scaled to compensate for aerosol attenuation. This paper describes the image processing algorithm and presents an analysis of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the resulting enhanced image. This analysis shows that the SNR decreases exponentially with range. A temporal filter structure is proposed to solve this problem. Results are presented for two image sequences taken from an airborne camera in hazy conditions and one sequence in clear conditions. A satisfactory agreement between the model and the experimental data is shown for the haze conditions. A significant improvement in image quality is demonstrated when using the contrast enhancement algorithm in conjuction with a temporal filter.
THE DEGRADATION of images by fog and mist is a familiar problem. In the literature on atmospheric propagation, distributions of particles such as fog, mist, cloud,......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——通过对比度下降的物理模型提高低可见度情况下的图像质量文献翻译!