[关键词:通信协议] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0236,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

通信工程文献翻译——协议,顾名思义是一组规则。在数字通信中,协议用于确定二进制比特流中某些信息的位置,如地址 控制信息 用户数据及其他信息组,都必须清楚的指明,并使其在传输中保持一致,这就是协议的工作。
1.4.1 服务协议
A Protocol is best defined as a set of rules. In digital communications, protocols determine where certain information will be found in the binary bit stream. Addresses, control information, user data, and various other fields must be clearly defined and consistent within each transmission. This is the job of the protocol.
Not all protocols are alike. Many protocols provide similar features, but all are very different both in format and in implementation. Here, we will outline the common features of a protocol and look at a model used in developing protocols even today.
Protocol Services
Protocol functions are divided into layers. This layered approach allows for better segregation of protocol functions as well as software modularity. Layers are important in communications networks because they allow software upgrades to be developed without affecting every node in the network. Only those devices which utilize functions within the specific layer need to be upgraded. In a communications network, the first three layers are the most critical. All layers above the first three have no effect on the network itself. They are resident in end node software and are transparent to network devices(such as routers and switches).
The first layer is commonly referred to as the physical layer. This is where the user data and the information approached by the protocol are converted to either optical or electrical form and transmitted over the network. In some cases, the physical layer may appended information is referred to as overhead and is usually minimal.
The second layer is known as the data link layer. The function of this......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——通信协议基础研究文献翻译!