[关键词:语音多路系统,语音合成] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0290,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

1 简介
Abstract This paper proposes a voice synthesizer to convert a single speech to multiple speeches. Pitch is an important voice characteristic of speech parameter and it is produced by the periodic vibration of the vocal-cords; the parameter most sensitive for human’s auditory sense. So if you change the pitch of the voice with several different scaling rates, you can produce several different voices at the same time with a voice. The Multiple-Speech Synthesizer will be used in diverse practical applications. The cheer synthesizer that makes group voice from a single voice would be such an example. You could also use the system for a troll toy, birthday song tracks, effect sounds in movies and plays, protection systems of houses,etc. Furthermore, the synthesizer could be used to imitate the voice of famous entertainers or cartoon characters, such as the Mask-man.
Keywords Speech synthesis Pitch alteration Speech multiple
1 Introduction
This Paper proposes transferring a speech to multiple-speech by changing pitch, which is an important sound characteristic parameter. Figure 1 is the sound production model. The input of the speech system which is from the lung through the vocal cords to vocal tract could be divided into two, voiced sound and unvoiced sound. It is possible that voiced sound is excited by impulse train signal, which is based on period of pitch, and unvoiced sound is generated by modeling with random noises.......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——在语音多路系统中实施语音合成文献翻译!