[关键词:RBPCA,信息融合,人脸识别] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0226,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

Face recognition is typically an ill-posed problem because of the limited number of
available samples. As experimental results show, combining multiclassifier fusion with the
RBPCA MaxLike approach, which couples covariance matrix regularization and blockbased principal component analysis (BPCA), can provide an effective framework for face
recognition that alleviates the small sample size problem.
With the advent of biometric systems, the human face has been widely exploited in security and surveillance applications. One of the most challenging tasks in biometrics is humanface recognition, which consists of linking an input face with an individual entry in a database of known persons. The face recognition process involves two main steps: feature extraction and feature classification, which includes holistic, feature-based, and hybrid matching methods.1The key technical problems in face recognition— large variability, highly complex nonlinear manifolds, high dimensionality, and small sample size2—are common to all existing approaches.
We propose a face recognition system that improves classification performance by combining classifier combination strategies with the recently developed RBPCA MaxLike technique,3 a statistical classifier that combines covariance matrix regularization, block-based principal component analysis (BPCA), and maximum-likelihood classification.4 To our knowledge, this is the first......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——使用最类似RBPCA和信息融合方法提高人脸识别性能文献翻译!